D O C U M E N T S 1 8 8 , 1 9 0 M A Y 1 9 2 2 1 6 5 It seems not a little curious that a standpoint which is so fundamentally different from yours should have brought Hamilton to results so clearly related to your theories. Again thanking for your courtesy I remain Yours very truly E. H. Synge. Translator’s note: Original written in English. 188. To Paul Langevin [Leyden,] 12 May 1922[1] Dear Langevin, Here in quiet Leyden we often think amicably of you, your x[2] brethren, A. Einstein and P. Ehrenfest. 189. From Emile Borel Rome, 13 May 1922 [Not selected for translation.] 190. To Max Born Berlin, [on or after 14 May 1922][1] Dear Born, It is immensely difficult now to find a job for theoreticians.[2] Holland is suffer- ing from overproduction. The fact that something could be done for Epstein[3] is based on the extraordinary importance of his achievements. There are some excel- lent theoreticians over there (e.g., Fokker) in modest preparatory-school teaching positions.[4] Some months ago I wrote to Millikan and Epstein in Pasadena on Bródy’s behalf[5] but haven’t received any reply yet. I’ll talk with Laue, who, if I’m not mistaken, exerts some influence on the Notgemeinschaft.[6] I became acquainted with your perturbation method through Becker’s habilitation thesis[7] and enjoyed it. ε± yzhνgμν] [
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