D O C U M E N T S 1 1 7 , 1 1 8 M A R C H 1 9 2 2 1 2 1 which, however, can only happen after my return from Paris (ca. 10 April),[5] let us discuss the affair together. Only then am I going to submit a statement about my earlier opinion. Maybe we can achieve something by direct negotiations with Mr. M. I could perhaps come to Kiel in April for a week, if you consider it right. I hardly believe that he could be somehow right, despite his presumptuous tone. With heartfelt wishes for your wife’s improvement and rapid recovery, I am, with best regards to both of you, yours, A. Einstein. 117. To Viktor Engelhardt[1] [Berlin,] 27 March 1922 Esteemed Doctor, I read through your booklet with the greatest interest. The fondly and vividly written account of individual persons and events is extremely inspiring just as is the purposely subjective presentation of causal connections as well as your thoughts about causality in the areas of science and history.[2] With thanks for the booklet and for the fine hours it gave me, I am very respect- fully yours. 118. To Jun Ishiwara Berlin, 27 March 1922 Highly esteemed Colleague, I received your letter of 26 January inst.[1] and the draft contract and agree with everything I would just like to comment that based on previous experience, I find no listener is capable of following a talk of three hours duration.[2] Nowhere have I yet delivered a talk that lasted longer than 1½ hours. Thus I think that the six sci- entific presentations should not last much longer than 1½ hours however the remaining 2½ hours could, e.g., be used for scientific discussions. Unfortunately I have to postpone the time of my departure by one month because I must deliver a speech on the occasion of the 100-year celebration of the Society of German Scientists in Leipzig on September 21st.[3] I therefore took the liberty of making corrections to the draft contract in this sense in order that our negotia- tions not get drawn out too much longer.