D O C U M E N T S 1 6 5 , 1 6 6 A P R I L 1 9 2 2 1 5 1 Rome, visited us.[3] Unfortunately, I now have to leave town for a few weeks [4] but then please do come and see me once on a Sunday after letting me know in advance by teleph., so that we can renew our old camaraderie. With best regards to you and your wife, yours. Do you still remember that wonderfully pretty little dynamo-engine you made for me back then? 165. To Otto Soehring[1] Berlin, 24 April 1922 Highly esteemed Legation Counselor, I thank you very much for the information you kindly gave me on repeated occa- sions. In October I have to travel to Japan and China and intend to return roughly over the course of February.[2] If this date seems suitable to my Spanish colleagues, I very certainly would be able to give the desired lectures somewhere around that time.[3] I am not going to be able to go to the Dutch Indies at the time of the solar eclipse because, after repeated urgings, I agreed to speak before the Scientists’ Convention in Leipzig, which I cannot cancel without exciting some irritation.[4] With utmost respect, sincerely yours, A. Einstein. 166. From Paul Block Paris, 3 de Ponthieu Street, 24 April 1922 Esteemed Professor, Sincere thanks for your letter. Your message to our German countrymen in Paris has been delivered.[1] The ambassador, a very intelligent and highminded man,[2] was earnestly disappointed that you did not come and see him. Tickets to your first lecture were made available to the German embassy by Sir Barclay,[3] not by the Collège de France—that was somewhat bitter and the gentlemen deemed it more tactful not to impose themselves.[4] But that is past now. I already expressed words of thanks to the Collège de France in the article “The Hidden Einstein” [Der ver- borgene Einstein], which you may have read (B[erliner] T[ageblatt], 12 April, morning edition).[5] More I cannot do without mentioning at the same time that not