D O C U M E N T S 1 1 4 , 1 1 5 M A R C H 1 9 2 2 1 1 9 plicated lawsuit. Mr. Besso asked me if I would like to put in a good word with you on their behalf, as the outcome of this trial is of profound importance to this firm founded by my friend’s father.[3] I gladly do so because I know how badly struck this firm—directed by excellent men—was by the consequences of the war and herewith permit myself to urge you to represent this lawsuit entrusted to you with special care. In utmost respect. 114. From Paul Ehrenfest [Leyden,] 3 o’clock in the aftern[oon], 26 March 1922 Dear Einstein, Just received your letter.[1] I request immediate notification of your sister’s name—you forgot to include it and I don’t know it! — • — It would be a great pleasure for us if you could make your return trip via Leyden. St. John is coming to Europe in the spring and would be very gladly!! prepared to come to Leyden in the second half of June for a spectral-shift conference.[2] Warm greetings to all of you. Naturally, especially also to the dear Ilmargotse,[3] yours, Ehrenfest. 115. From Hantaro Nagaoka[1] College of Science, Tokyo Imperial University, 26 March 1922 Highly esteemed Professor, Mr. Yamamoto, editor of Kaizo, informed me that you might arrive in Tokyo at the beginning of October.[2] This is a big surprise and the Japanese will unani- mously welcome you, as your noted name as a world-famous thinker is known everywhere and the principle of relativity is highly reputed. Thanks to translations of various writings about the principle of relativity, popular lectures by Mr. Kuwaki, and books for the general public by Mr. Ishiwara, the Japanese have regarded the principle with great interest. Unfortunately, it is represented in more than one way, particularly by philosophers, all of whom lack mathematical knowledge.[3] A lecture from you personally will clear up this haze and fog and the Japanese will be bathed in the bright light of the genuine principle of relativity.