1 0 8 D O C U M E N T S 9 6 , 9 7 M A R C H 1 9 2 2 Do you have facilities for experimenting on a large scale? Through Zangger’s inter- cession, perhaps?[4] I have no contacts with people in this branch. Cordial greetings, Albert. 96. To Robert A. Millikan, Paul Epstein, and Richard C. Tolman Berlin, 20 March 1922 Dear Colleagues, I learned[1] that a certain possibility exists for my colleague Dr. Bródy to be employed at your institute. As I know Mr. Bródy[2] to be an unusually gifted theo- retical physicist, I would not like to fail to recommend him herewith most warmly. I consider this a duty, particularly because as a consequence of a hearing impair- ment Mr. Bródy comes only secondarily into consideration for teaching positions so, considering the current oversupply of scientific professionals and the prevailing general impoverishment in this country, he as a foreigner would find it very hard to obtain a position in which his capabilities could be suitably employed. With cordial regards, I am yours. 97. From Thomas Barclay Paris, 17 Pasquier Street, 20 March 1922 Dear Professor Einstein, I am very happy to learn from your letter of the 14th instant[1] that you received the invitation. I showed your letter to Mr. Painlevé who was just eating lunch with me here at home at the very moment of its arrival and who was very happy about this news. I settled with Mr. Langevin (so as not to have any conflicting engagements) to ask you to give me the pleasure of sharing the midday meal with me on Saturday, April 1st. I would be happy to know if it would be possible for you to accept my invitation on the set day. I am, dear Professor Einstein, very devotedly yours, Thomas Barclay.