1 2 6 D O C U M E N T 1 2 7 A P R I L 1 9 2 2 127. From Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe Kiel, 2 April 1922 Dear, esteemed Professor Einstein, I owe the address at which you are reachable to those at your home in Berlin, where I telephoned.[1] First the good news, that my wife is feeling much better again, that she was transported back from the clinic yesterday, and is now looking forward to a com- plete recovery.[2] With this letter I am pursuing you all the way to Paris because we, i.e. the firm, is appealing to you for help as a consequence of Mr. Martienssen’s impudence. There is supposed to be a hearing at the regional court on April 11th to decide on the confiscation of Martienssen’s apparatus.[3] It essentially revolves around an opinion prepared by you years ago that is now, of course, being contested by Mar- tienssen and a fellow expert he had called to his assistance, a certain Dr. Zahn.[4] In particular, on grounds that are so flimsy that one has to wonder that he found any physicist to back him. Since you were so kind as to write me that you would be returning to Berlin on the 10th of this mo. and would then poss. be prepared to come over here, I inquire whether it would not be possible for you to arrive here in Kiel on April 10th or, of course, earlier, taking the route from Cologne via Hamburg. You would then have a shorter train ride overall and to us it would be extremely valuable if you could express your views about your expert opinion in person on the 11th. The opponents are counting on your not being reachable at the moment[5] and want to use this time to launch an offensive I assume that it will fail miserably in your presence. If you arrive here during the day of the 10th, or if it doesn’t work otherwise, dur- ing the evening, there will still be plenty of time for you to orient yourself about the situation I think that 1–2 hours will perfectly suffice. Now there just remains for me to ask you please to send a short cable to us, i.e., to the firm, addressing the telegram to: Anschützco Kiel, about if and when we may receive you here. If it is simply not possible, then we shall just have to see that we quickly find a helper, who can prove to the court that we have a good right to do so. And your old room in the house is ready and waiting for you and would be heart- ily pleased, along with us, to be able to welcome you as a guest once again.