I N D E X 3 8 9 Bohr, Niels (1885–1962), 34, 75, 166, 196, 232, 318, 359 AE on, 22 congratulates AE for Nobel Prize, 329 in Göttingen, 195, 247 paper of taken by AE along on trip, 359 perturbation method, 159 praised by AE, 113 on principles of energy and momentum conser- vation vs. ether, Ehrenfest on, 43 proposed by AE for corresponding member of PAW, 73 on quantization in complicated fields, 247 Rutherford-Bohr theory, 94, 253 theory of monatomic hydrogen, 142 on time of transition between energy levels, 49 Boltzmann, Ludwig, 120 on kinetic theory, 4 Boltzmann equation, 6 applications of, 6–11 Brownian motion from, 8 Boltzmann principle, AE on, 3–11 distribution of particles in liquid form, 7 Bonnevie, Kristine (1872–1948), 168 Borel, Emile (1871–1956) dinner with AE, 109, 115 on relativity, 154 Borelius, Gudmund (1889–1985), on supercon- ductivity, 167, 169 Born, Max (1882–1970), 44, 99, 103, 195, 196, 255, 346 on Brody, 290 on elliptic electron orbit, 159 Guillaume, on paper of, 195 invites AE to Göttingen, 25, 26 on lattice theory, 157–159 on Miller’s repeating Michelson-Morley experiment, 255 pianist in quartet with AE, 39 on quantization of non-harmonic oscillations, 158 on quantization of polyatomic molecules, 255 requests KWIP funds for X-ray apparatus, granted, 166 Born-Ehrenberg, Hedwig (1882–1972), 44, 346 invites AE for visit, 27 Bosch, Carl (1874–1940), member of Kuratori- um of Einstein-Spende, 116 Bothe, Walther (1891–1957), 67 experiment on nature of light, 47–54, 57 on quadratic Doppler effect, plans experiment on, 57 Bourgeois, Leon (1851–1925), 167, 168 Bovet, Ernest (1870–1941), 181 Brahms, Johannes, Hans Albert Einstein plays, 136 Brailsford, Henry (1873–1958), 276, 277 on Einstein 1922m, 258, 276 solicits article from AE, 258, 273–274, 276 Breit, Gregory (1899–1981), 245 on Stern-Gerlach experiment, 166, 169 on superconductivity, 167, 193 Brillouin, Léon (1889–1969), intends to visit Leyden, 147, 148 Brinkmann, Carl (1885–1954), 286, 287 offers himself as AE’s help in Committee on Intel- lectual Cooperation, 380 British Mandate for Palestine, 178, 206 Brodhun, Eugen H. (1860–1938), 72 Brody, Emmerich (1891–1944), 158 Born on abilities of, 158 position for, 158, 165–166 at California Insti- tute of Technology, 103, 108, 165, 203 at University of Kowno, 158 stipend from Notgemeinschaft, 165 Brownian motion, 4, 11, 347 derivation from Boltzmann equation, 8 Bruhn, Carl (1832–1881), 141 Bund für Unabhängigkeit der Schweiz, 381 Bund “Neues Vaterland.” See BNV Burger, Herman C. (1893–1965), 101 Busch, Adolf (1891–1952), 196 Busch, Wilhelm (1832-1908), 44 Cabrera, Blas (1878–1945), 325, 375 Cai, Yuanpei (1868–1940), 345 invites AE to Beijing, 339 Cajal, Santiago Ramon y (1852–1934), 325 California Institute of Technology Lorentz at, 69, 74, 95, 101, 142 position for Brody at, 103, 108, 165, 203 Campalans, Rafael (1887–1933), 325 Candara. See Al Qantarah Cantoni, Arrigo, 290 Cassirer, Ernst (1874–1951), 29, 38, 122 Castro, Aloysio de (1881–1959), 168 Cauchy, Augustin-Louis (1789–1857), 141 Causality in debate about World War I, 143