2 5 8 D O C U M E N T 3 2 3 A U G U S T 1 9 2 2 323. From Henry N. Brailsford[1] London, S.W. 1, 67 St. George’s Square, 10 August 1922 Highly esteemed Professor, I permit myself to approach you with a request, urgently asking you please not to turn me away without serious reflection. The Labour Leader, which you might know as the name of a Socialist weekly paper, will be appearing on 5 October in a new, enlarged, and as I hope, much better form under my direction.[2] This paper has always been instilled with bold pacifism, even during the blackest period of war, and I hardly need to say that the development of friendly relations between our two countries will be one of its main goals. Now I have the ambition of being able to publish something from you in the first issue or one of the earliest ones. You are, of course, the only German whose every word is repeated in every paper in both hemispheres. If you would be willing to say something very specific, yet tactful, about the economic misery of the German peo- ple and the lack of understanding on the part of the Powers about the effect of their policy, which destroys the prospects for the Republic and the hopes for peace, then I believe that your words would be more effective than those of any other person.[3] If you would be so kind as to write an article or grant an interview, I would take it upon myself not to use it in any egoistic or narrow-minded way. This means, if you were willing to send it to me so that I could publish it in my new paper, I would release it at the same time to any English daily paper of importance for quotation. It is also supposed to be sent to America. Unfortunately, I cannot offer you an hon- orarium suited to your high rank. As a rule, we pay five or four pounds, depending on the length. But it would undoubtedly be possible to obtain a much larger hono- rarium for you from America. I would try to secure publication in France as well. Should you not feel called to make such a statement, I would seek from you something much lighter—perhaps the simplest of articles about current prospects of scientific discoveries, or perhaps about the effect of scientific discoveries on the evolving structure of society—any such topic of a general character. You might be interested to hear that our paper will be publishing a scientific arti- cle every week and, contrary to general custom, we will be applying to scientists instead of journalists for them. Altogether, the purpose of the paper will be to prod intellectual ambitions and to raise the intellectual norms of the English Socialist and labor movement. In allowing myself the hope that you will receive my petition with kind favor, I remain, in great respect, yours truly, H. N. Brailsford.
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