I N D E X 3 9 1 courses of, 96 debate with Nernst, 136–137, 142, 145–146 on intermolecular forces, 136–137, 142, 145– 146 Deeds, Wyndham (1883–1956), 322 Degania, 324 Delbrück, Hans (1848–1929), 155 on Aulard and Gerlach, 221 Dember, Harry (1882–1943), 239 Deng, L., 132, 136 Dessau, Bernardo (1863–1949), requests infor- mation on education at Technion in Haifa, 88 Destrée, Jules (1863–1936), 168 Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft. See DPG Die Grundlagen der Einsteinschen Relativität- stheorie, film on, 178 Diels, Hermann (1848–1922), 207 Dienes, Paul (1882–1952), sends AE two papers, 268 Diez. See Deeds, Wyndham Differential equations, not the right representa- tion for natural laws, 254, 297 Diogenes tub for AE, 231, 237, 262 Direction quantization of atoms, 173 Distribution of particles in a liquid, 7 Doi, Uzumi (1895–1945), 311 Donnan, Frederick (1870–1956), 148 Doppler effect, 48–50, 50, 232 quadratic, plan of experiment on, 57 transversal, 99 Down syndrome, 248, 263, 266 DPG, Jena meeting, 35 Drexler, Franz, 47 Droste, Johannes (1886–1963), 142 Drude, Paul electron theory of metals of, 91 equation for specific resistance of metals, 91 Drummond, Eric (1876–1951), 210, 243 invites AE on Committee on Intellectual Coopera- tion, 167, 168 AE accepts, 176 Du Bois, Henri (1863–1918), 101 Dualism of classical and quantum conceptions, 35 of gravitational and electromagnetic fields, 30 in physical theory, 375 of wave theory of light and quantum theory, 47 Duhamel, Georges (1884–1966), 147 on having dinner with AE, 147 Eddington, Arthur (1882–1944), 375 recent theory of, 352 theory of AE on, 181, 209, 317, 359, 365 beautiful but not true, 198 Haldane on, 29 Ehrenfest, Paul (1880–1933), 68, 77, 95, 97, 119, 150, 157, 160, 172, 204 AE on finances of, 96 impressed by, 196 needs his friendship, 248 on no one important to, 248 requests photos of sons, 248 requests plan for Leyden visit, 383 requests visit in spring, 74–75, 100–101 on royalties of from Methuen, 248 on visit of, 148 in Berlin, 196 Bohr, impressed by, 196 in Christiania, 27 on Collected Papers of Hamilton, 140 on experiment on nature of light, 43, 54–57, 57, 59, 60–61, 63 on Hugo Ehrenfest’s visit, 247, 263 on Ioffe, 166 Langevin, sends greetings to, 165 on manuscript of Einstein and Ehrenfest 1922, 247, 263 on meeting brothers in Vienna, 247, 266 Ornstein, on aggressivity of, 101 on planned meeting on redshift, 74, 119 praised by French physicists, 147, 149 on son’s Down syndrome 248, 263, 266 on Stern-Gerlach experiment, 166–167 Ehrenfest, Tatiana (1905–1984), 27, 34, 160, 266 matriculates at University of Leyden, 266 Ehrenfest, Wassily (1918–1933) Down syndrome of, 248, 263, 266 treated in Erziehungsheim in Jena, 266 Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa, Tatiana (1876–1964), 160 brings Wassily to Jena, 266 on five-dimensional quantum theory, 70 Ehrenhaft, Felix (1879–1952) requests copies of publications, 35 requests opinion on Kottler, 35–36