D O C U M E N T S 3 0 5 , 3 0 6 J U L Y 1 9 2 2 2 3 7 305. From Chenzu Wei Berlin, 22 July 1922 Esteemed Professor, With reference to your very valued letter of May 3rd of this yr., I have the honor of informing you herewith that I just received a telegram from the president of the Imperial University in Peking,[1] whom I had contacted regarding the conditions you had proposed,[2] the content of which is that the university gladly accepts your conditions.[3] The latter would accordingly be the following: an honorarium of 1,000 Ameri- can dollars, payment of the travel costs Tokyo–Peking and Peking–Hong Kong for you and your wife, as well as hotel costs in Peking. At the same time the university authorities express their joy at being permitted to welcome you in Peking. In utmost respect, I am very sincerely yours, Wei Chenzu Chinese envoy. 306. To Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe [Berlin,] 25 July 1922 Dear Mr. Anschütz, I find the Diogenes Tub plan wonderful.[1] But it really should be small, too, to suit its name. I’m as pleased as a child about it. The boys are here and are lodging in my Spandau Castle.[2] I am commuting back and forth between the city apart- ment and the castle which, contrary to my yacht, is proving to be watertight. The latter will soon be seaworthy, now [3] I don’t know whether we should baptize it “dupe” [Reinfall] or “big man” [Grossmann].[4] We unfortunately cannot accept your kind invitation because my wife is quite seriously ill. Albert tells me that there’s no time between the end of the school-leaving exams and the beginning of the semester at the Polytechnic. But I think he can skip one or two weeks to be able to visit you in Lautrach without placing his technical salvation in jeopardy.[5] From the second to last letter of yours I see that you decided on a third contact electrode on the sphere now, after all, in order to ensure the start-up [6] or did I mis- understand your comment? Perhaps in order to ensure the start-up of the anchor