9 7 6 I N D E X O F C I T A T I O N S Eisenlohr 1911 16n Eisinger 2011 lxxviiin Elzinga 2006 513n Engelhardt 1921 213n, 792a, 800a Epstein 1916 462n ETH 1922 432n Ezawa 2005 lxxviiin, 567n, 568n, 572n, 573n, 574n Fasanaro 2008 282n Feldman 1997 78n, 226n, 504n Ferraris et al. 1982 668n Fischer 2003 576n Fischer 2011 518n Fisher 1988 276n Fizeau 1849 379n Follin 1921 795a Follin 1921–1922 795a Franck 1921 425n, 426n Frenkel 2002 491n, 604n Freundlich 1923 lxxviin, 133n, 746n Friedman 2001 lxxviiin, 592n, 593n Friedmann 1922 xliv, 491n Friedrich and Herschbach 1998 445n Friedrich and Herschbach 2003 445n Füchtbauer and Schell 1913 86n Gans 1921 147n Gao 1985 256n, 431n Gedächnis 1922 374n Gerlach and Stern 1921 268n, 445n Gerlach and Stern 1922a 268n, 305n, 445n Gerlach and Stern 1922b 305n, 445n Gerlach and Stern 1924 445n Geyer 1980 597n Geyer 1998 339n Gibbs 1886 108n Giulini and Meyenn 2000 154n Glick 1987 156n Glick 1988 lxxviiin, 583n, 584n, 585n, 586n, 587n, 588n, 781n, 860n Goenner 2001 597n Goenner 2004 73n, 74n, 667n, 713n Goldstein and Ritter 2003 74n Goodstein 1991 187n Gouy, Léon G. 252n Graff 2004 48n Grau 1992 139n Graves 1882–1889 303n Grundmann 2004 lxxviin, lxxviiin, 566n, 643n, 651n Gruner 1922 182n Guillaume 1922 182n Guillaume and Willigens 1921 181n Gumbel 1922 494n Guye 1922 414n Guye and Lavanchy 1915 269n Haber 1919a 75n, 176n Haber 1919b 75n, 176n Hadamard 1922 264n Haldane 1922 388n Hamilton 1931 303n Haubold and Yasui 1986 626, 640n Havas 1993 597n Hawking and Ellis 1973 428n Hein 1987 789a Hentschel 1990 215n Hermann et al. 1979 154n, 367n Herneck 1966 42n Hertz 1889 462n Hertz 1892 462n Hiki 2009 563n, 574n Hilbert 1915 333n Hirosige 1976 627 Hoefer 1995 418n Holton 1969 627 Holton 1988 627 Holtsmark 1919 425n Hu 2005 lxxviiin, 256n, 431n, 644n Ikebe 1922 463n Illy 2012 lxxii Inagaki 1923a 568n, 569n Inagaki 1923b 569n Ioffe 1923 316n, 448n Ioffe, A. E. 1975 352n Ishiwara 1910a 703n Ishiwara 1910b 703n Ishiwara 1913 703n Ishiwara 1921a 211n Ishiwara 1921b 211n Ishiwara 1921c 211n Ishiwara 1923 lxxviiin, 565n, 566n, 568n, 569n, 570n, 572n, 574n, 636n, 645n Ishiwara, H. 1971 636n Itagaki 1999 627, 639n, 640n Itakura et al. 1972 211n
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