3 5 2 D O C U M E N T 2 3 0 J U N E 1 9 2 2 Professor Albert P. Pinkevich, the leader of Soviet educational reform and member of PetroKU- BU, replaced Gorky as the head of TseKUBU after the latter’s departure abroad (Mazur et al. 2010) and met Wilhelm Westphal on a visit to Germany in 1922. With Pinkevich’s invitation, Westphal com- pleted a two-week tour of Petrograd and Moscow in early November 1922, “taking [upon himself] the initiative […] of reestablishing scientific relations between Germany and Soviet Russia” (Izvesti- ia, 16 November 1922 Ioffe, A. E. 1975, p. 125). [4]The Wednesday physics colloquia at the University of Berlin.