C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 2 7 9 5 124. From Adolf von Harnack 25 March 1922 Attaches the budget pf KWIP for the fiscal years 1921–1922 and 1922–1923, and a list of contributions by KWG. TLS (GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 13). [77 716–77 719]. 125. From Oscar Martienssen 25 March 1922 Requests that AE withdraw his private expert opinion of 1918 (Vol. 7, Doc. 11) because Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe intends to use it in a new lawsuit against the Gesellschaft für nautische Instrumente. As he has realized since then, the opinion is based on errone- ous considerations, and its basic conclusion that the patent application of the Gesell- schaft was dependent on Anschütz’s patent 241637 is expressed in it without explana- tion. TLC (GyKiRA, Gruppe I, Mappe 1186). [85 064]. 126. From Rafaele Contu 26 March 1922 Thanks for Abs. 122. AE will receive 20% of retail price. Asks permission to publish both lectures in La Sienza per Tutti. This second publication will do no harm to the sale of their individual publications. ALS. [42 314]. 127. To Erwin Freundlich 27 March 1922 Agrees with the proposals contained in Doc. 109. He is to leave today, and cannot invite Max Planck in person. TLS (GyBAW, II–XIIIuu-2313/3, Bl. 46). Kirsten and Treder 1979a, p. 189, No. 109. [88 086]. 128. To Oscar Martienssen 27 March1922 Would be available for the proceedings only if it were adjourned, since he is leaving Ber- lin today for about ten days. Does not remember the issues and asks for the case docu- ments. TLC. [44 385]. 129. From Germaine François 27 March 1922 Requests AE’s assistance in obtaining a better income for her mother and medical care for her sister. ALS. [43 708]. 130. From Germaine François [after 27 March 1922] Expresses thanks for the portrait and dedication. ALS. [43 714]. 131. From Henri L. Follin [between 28 March and 10 April 1922] AE and Rabindranath Tagore are listed in the general central directory of the République supranationale, and attaches two documents, probably Follin 1921 and 1921–1922, to explain their intentions. TLS. [44 734.1]. 132. From Adolf von Harnack 28 March 1922 The senate of KWG raised AE’s annual salary as director of KWIP from 10,000 to 20,000 M, and the secretary’s salary from 3,000 to 8,000 M, as of 10 January 1921. The budget has been increased from 87,000 to 137,000 M as of 10 January 1921, and to 261,000 M as of 1 April 1922. TLS (GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 1–4). [78 002]. 133. From Oscar Martienssen 28 March 1922 Sends documents of the 1918 proceedings to help AE understand his request Abs. 125, and adds further arguments against AE’s expert opinion. TLS. [84 219]. 134. From Methuen 28 March 1922 For the American edition of Einstein 1920j and 1921c, as well as Lorentz et al. 1922, AE would receive royalties of 10% and 12.5%, respectively. Asks whether AE agrees with the terms. TLS. [42 199].
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