2 8 2 D O C U M E N T 1 6 7 A P R I L 1 9 2 2 Wahrheit sage und guten Willens bin. Aber Presse und Kammer sind vorläufig hoffnungslos.[9] Ich habe hier in Paris meine Heimat noch ehrlicher lieben gelernt, trotz aller ihrer Fehler. Dennoch, man soll die Hoffnung nicht aufgeben. Ihr Erscheinen in Paris war et- was sehr Schönes. Ein Blick in die Zukunft vielleicht ein Weg in die Zukunft. Ich wünschte sie noch zu erleben. Mit verbindlichem Gruss in grosser Verehrung Ihr Paul Block. ALS. [43 294]. [1]Einstein had thanked Block for his attempts to arrange a lecture to the German community in Paris (see Doc. 153). [2]Wilhelm Mayer-Kaufbeuren. [3]Thomas Barclay. [4]Mayer-Kaufbeuren reported to Berlin that the German Embassy in Paris had not received tickets to any of Einstein’s lectures (see Wilhelm Mayer-Kaufbeuren to Auswärtiges Amt, 1 and 29 April 1922 [GyPAAA, R64677]). [5]In his article, Block described Einstein’s reception in Paris, particularly his two lectures at the Collège de France (see Berliner Tageblatt, 12 April 1922, Morning Edition). [6]Blondel (1856–1948), a historian and juridical scholar at the Collège de France, claims in his brochure Blondel 1922 that the Germans strive to renege on their commitments as set by the Treaty of Versailles, and that they are masters of propaganda and not true democrats. Furthermore, he states that the Germans believe the Allied countries provoked the war and are taking advantage of the deval- uation of the mark one should therefore not feel any pity toward them. [7]Wolff (1868–1943) was editor in chief of the Berliner Tageblatt. [8]Bertens (1860–1934) was an actress. [9]Lingering resentment over Germany’s perceived “war guilt” in World War I, the partial fulfill- ment of its reparations obligations toward France, and concern over securing an adequate coal supply from the Ruhr region fueled anti-German sentiment in the French parliament and press (see Fasanaro 2008, pp. 92–98). The German ambassador reported that Einstein’s reception in Paris by his audi- ences and by the press had been “very friendly, in many cases positively cordial” (“sehr freundlich, vielfach geradezu herzlich”), with the possible exception of the Action française. He also reported that the few attacks in the press against Einstein during his visit were countered by the liberal press (see Wilhelm Mayer-Kaufbeuren to Auswärtiges Amt, 1 and 29 April 1922 [GyPAAA, R64677]) . 167. From Paul Langevin Paris, le 25 Avril 1922 Mon cher ami, J’ai été très heureux de savoir que votre retour s’est effectué sans incidents et que vous allez pouvoir prendre un repos bien mérité avec la conscience d’avoir fait œu- vre utile à tous les points de vue. Les trop courtes journées que vous avez passées ici resteront pour moi des journées heureuses. Je regrette comme vous que nous