D O C . 3 7 9 T R A V E L D I A R Y 5 6 5 sterling to the Hebrew University, “partly as a result of a private interview with Professor Einstein who explained the object of the collection, but chiefly I think as a result of a charming letter just received by Mr. Meyer from Dr. Weizmann.” The rest of the Jewish community donated 250 pounds sterling (see [C. R. Ginsburg] Singapore Zionist Society to Israel Cohen, Zionist Organisation, Lon- don, 9 November 1922 [IsJCZA, Z4/2685]). It was hoped that additional funds could be raised on the occasion of Einstein’s return visit following his tour of Japan (see [Israel Cohen], general secretary of the Zionist Organisation, London, to David Kitovitz, 12 December 1922 [IsJCZA, Z4/2685]). [34]The Peak, at 552 meters, is the highest elevation on Hong Kong Island. [35]According to press reports, when news first broke of Einstein’s pending arrival in Hong Kong, arrangements were made for a lecture at the Jewish Recreation Club. However, after his arrival, Ein- stein asked that no receptions or lectures be held. The press speculated that one possible reason he did not want to appear in public during his brief stay was the proximity of his visit to Armistice Day. The only planned event was a tour of Repulse Bay (see South China Morning Post, 10 November 1922). [36]One of the businessmen was probably named Gobin (see note 188). [37]Possibly the Repulse Bay Hotel. [38]Most likely a reference to the successful Chinese seamen’s strike in early 1922 (see Butenhoff 1999, p. 50). [39]The informal reception was held at the Jewish Recreation Club (see Israel’s Messenger, 1 December 1922). [40]The University of Hong Kong, founded in 1911. [41]The Kitano Maru docked at Shanghai’s Wayside Wharf. [42]Morikatsu Inagaki (1893–?) was a staff member of Kaizo-Sha and chief secretary of the newly established Japanese Association of the League of Nations. He had been asked by Yamamoto to serve as Einstein’s guide and interpreter during his tour of Japan. His role was to interpret all of Einstein’s speeches and daily conversations, but not Einstein’s scientific lectures (see Ishiwara 1923, “Preface,” p. 10 Kaneko 1981, vol. 1, p. 14 and Kaneko 1984, p. 70). His wife was Tony Inagaki, who was Ger- man-born. [43]Fritz Thiel (1863–1931). Three reports by Thiel on Einstein’s visits to Shanghai are extant. Fol- lowing the first visit, he informed the Auswärtiges Amt that he had delivered several invitations to Einstein from Japan and the Malay Archipelago and invited him to breakfast at his private residence. However, as Einstein was “preoccupied to such an extent by a Japanese sent to Shanghai to greet him, I had to retreat” (“schon derartig von einem zu seiner Begrüßung nach Shanghai entsandten Japaner beschlagnahmt, daß ich zurücktreten mußte”). Nevertheless, Einstein informed Thiel that he could not accept any scientific engagements unless they were coordinated with Kaizo-Sha, with whom he was under contractual obligation. Thiel urged Einstein that “he must not pass over” (“nicht vorüber- gehen dürfe”) the German communities and the associations dedicated to the fostering of German- Japanese scientific and cultural ties “without taking any notice of them” (“ohne von ihnen in irgendeiner Weise Notiz zu nehmen”). Thiel rejected Einstein’s claim that the journal held a mono- poly on Einstein’s “entire personality” (“ganze Persönlichkeit”). He warned Einstein that he would not have time for “the fulfillment of national duties” (“die Erfüllung nationaler Pflichten”) or for per- sonal recreation. In response, Einstein reassured Thiel that he would take these viewpoints into con- sideration. He informed Thiel that he felt obligated to accept the invitation to Batavia and was therefore doubtful whether he would be able to follow through with the invitation to hold a lecture series in China. Following the second visit, in an effort to repudiate rumors that the German community in Shang- hai had snubbed Einstein for anti-Semitic reasons, Thiel informed the Auswärtiges Amt that he had attempted to arrange for a lecture by Einstein at the Tongji University School of Engineering but had not received any reply. A few days prior to Einstein’s return to Shanghai, the local German association received a postcard from Elsa Einstein declining an invitation to a reception. Moreover, when he learned that Einstein would allegedly be giving a talk on relativity to a closed reception of the Jewish community, Thiel decided to ignore Einstein’s second visit to Shanghai (see Fritz Thiel to Auswärti- ges Amt, 13 November 1922 [GyBPAAA/R 9208/3508 Deutsche Botschaft China] Fritz Thiel to Hu- bert Knipping, 28 November 1922 and Fritz Thiel to Auswärtiges Amt, 6 January 192[3] [GyBPAAA/R 64677]).