5 8 8 D O C . 3 7 9 T R A V E L D I A R Y española” see El Heraldo de Aragon, 14 March 1923). It was also reported that “in Barcelona and in Madrid he experienced the charm of our art that expresses our personalities but that it was in Zara- goza where, by admiring the architectural monuments, he had found a robust and eloquent expression of our regional physiognomy” (“en Barcelona y en Madrid había gustado el encanto de nuestro Arte que tan bien expresa nuestra personalidad pero que era en Zaragoza donde admirando los monumen- tos arquitectónicos, había encontrado una expresión más robusta y elocuente de nuestra fisonomía re- gional” see El Noticiero, 14 March 1923). The topic of the second lecture entitled “Space and Time” was general relativity. There were far fewer audience members present. He was introduced by the dean of the science faculty, Gonzalo Ca- lamita. In his lecture, Einstein highlighted the geometrical character of general relativity and some of its experimental evidence. He also discussed attempts to unify electricity and gravitation (see Sánchez Ron and Romero de Pablos 2005, p. 122). An honorary certificate was presented to Einstein by the faculty of sciences (see Abs. 545). Following the lecture, a banquet was held in Einstein’s honor at the German consul’s residence. Einstein played the violin. After the meal, Einstein, Vecino, and the consul attended an operetta at the Teatro Principal entitled La Viejecita (“The Little Old Lady”). On 14 March, his forty-fourth birthday, in the morning, Einstein toured Rocasolano’s laboratory, who was conducting research on Brownian motion in colloids, and the university classrooms. He bid farewell to various government and university officials. He then had lunch at the Hotel Universo with the German pianist Emil Sauer, who was also visiting Zaragoza. During dessert, a dance troupe per- formed a traditional Spanish dance, the jota, for which Einstein expressed enthusiasm. Thereafter he departed Zaragoza by train for Barcelona, where he spent another day without any public obligations before leaving for Zurich (see El Heraldo de Aragon, 13–15 March 1923 El Noticiero, 14 March 1923 Pilger to Auswärtiges Amt, 21 March 1923 [GyBPAAA/R 64677] Glick 1988, pp. 145–149 and Sánchez Ron and Romero de Pablos 2005, p. 125).