I N D E X 1 0 3 3 Grünberg, Josef, inventions with AE, 587, 588 Grünberg, Karl, 361, 877a Grüneisen, Eduard (1877–1949), 369 Guggenheim, Hermann, 897a Guggenheim, Sylvain, 897a Guglielminotti, Luigi criticizes Fascism, 911a on looking for lecturing opportunities in Ger- many, 911a, 914a Guillebaud, Claude W, 886a Gullstrand, Allvar, 881a Gumbel, Emil J. (1891–1966), lxviii, 46n, 473 book on contemporary Russia, AE’s foreword to, 611–612 Brockmann, solicits recommendation to, 871a AE provides, 872a on Marx’s mathematical manuscripts, 920a on minister of education and university author- ities terminating his position, 920a proceedings against, 34n AE objects, 33–34 Schaxel, solicits recommendation to, 871a AE provides, thanks, 920a assists with housing of in Moscow, 881a on position for, 872a Gurland-Eliaschoff, Esther, 893a, on getting fi- nancial help for Kowno university courses, 917a Guthnick, Paul, on causes of meanders in rivers, 899a Guye, Charles-Eugène (1866–1942), 417 Gyro transmission, AE on, 938a Richter on, 939a Gyrocompass follow-up, 30n, 116, 129, 613 improvement of, 110–111 AE on, 110 patent of, AE on sharing rights with Anschütz 588, 590–591, 592–594 Gyro-theodolite, 870a Haagsch Maandblad, solicits contribution, 879a Haas, Ludwig (1875–1930), 780 Haas, Robert (1891–1935), 538 Haas, Wander de (1878–1960), 132, 194, 217, 337, 340, 924a ill with gallstones, 570, 587, 701, 728 AE recommends physician, 575 Haas, Willy, 873a Haas-Lorentz, Geertruida de (1885–1973), xxxv, 123, 217, 340, 570, 575, 701 Haber, André Francois, 88 Haber, Fritz (1868–1934), 308, 417, 432, 433, 474n, 800, 884a, 922a, 955a on AE paying assistant from own funds, 936a on General Electric sponsorship of research in Germany, 937a on his retirement, 937a Haber, Hermann (1902–1946), 327 Häberlein, 946a Hadamard, Jacques (1865–1963), 309n AE visits, plays music with, 308, 310, 860 Ehrenfest on, 701 invited in BOGHU and Academic Advisory Committee of Hebrew University, 899a Haffkine, M., 897a Haga, Herman (1852–1936), 337 Hagen-Guest, David, Weizmann recommends, 937a Hahn, Otto (1879–1968), 815 AE nominates as ordinary member of PAW, 869a Haifetz, Jascha, concerts of in Palestine, 918a Haldane, Richard, 899a, 935a on AE’s congrat- ulation on his mother’s centenary, 873a Hale, George Ellery (1861–1938), lx AE’s theory of gravitation and magnetism, in- terested in, 653 on Kennedy’s repeating Miller’s experiment with negative result, 653 on measurements of the Sun’s magnetic field, 652–653 Baade on, 655 on redshift of the companion of Sirius, 52, 72 Halecki, Oskar, 902a Halle, Felix, 638n Halo stars, lxiii Halpern, George, 75n Halpern, Otto (1899–1982), 558 Hamburger, Margarete, 892a AE recommends to Springer, 924a Hamecher, Peter, 881a Han You Kia, desires China be represented on ICIC and at IIIC, 933a Hanauer, J., thanks for AE’s assistance, 898a Händel, Georg F. (1685–1759) Einstein, Eduard, on playing, 489 played at inauguration of IIIC, 309n Hapgood, Norman, Weizmann recommends, 872a Harada, Ken, 920a
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