C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 6 9 3 7 case. He is almost ready to retire to the country, which might happen in a few years. ALS. [12 345, 44 599]. 604. From Max Planck [Berlin,] 18 October 1926 Sends back the manuscript of Rupp 1926b that Rupp had sent (Doc. 354), so that AE can present it to the Academy himself. ALS. [20 403]. 605. To Friedrich Schmidt-Ott Berlin, [20 October 1926] Requests a stipend of 200 M from the Notgemeinschaft for Jakob Grommer to support his theoretical research on the relation of the theory of relativity to the structure of the atom, specifically on the question whether the motion of atomic elementary particles that are conceived as singularities are present in the nonlinear differential equations. Hopes for success within a year. Claims that Grommer is without means and that he can no longer cover Grommer’s monthly stipend of 200 M. TLS. [71 329]. 606. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 20 October 1926 Sends the agenda of the meeting of the directors’ committee of the IIIC to be held in Par- is on 30 October. TLS. [34 937]. 607. From Metodi Popov Berlin, 21 October 1926 In response to AE’s inquiry, has ascertained that R. Zaycoff is receiving his stipends reg- ularly, if sometimes belatedly. Zaycoff, with whom he met and who is in good form, will return to Sofia to take his exams, and regrets the letter to AE (see Abs. 599), written in a moment of depression. Popov, Bulgarian legate, regrets that Zaycoff, an inexperienced young man, has been a burden to AE. TLS. [24 177]. 608. From Chaim Weizmann London, 21 October 1926 Recommends David Haden-Guest, grandson of Albert Goldsmid. The boy promises to become a distinguished mathematician and physicist. Is leaving for the United States the next day. TLS. [33 385]. 609. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 22 October 1926 The ICIC, having studied the proposal of Max Krahmann regarding the founding of an International Mining Institute, considers that a more clearly and well-defined proposal is needed. Krahmann has been advised to be in touch with AE. TLS. [34 938]. 610. To Lancelot Law Whyte [Berlin,] 23 October 1926 None of the eclipse expeditions observed any asymmetry in the star displacements, as can be gleaned from the published material. ALS. [74 102]. 611. From Fritz Haber Berlin, 23 October 1926 Writing to AE, Max von Laue, and Max Planck, reports on his meeting with Gorton Fonda from Schenectady, representative of Willis R. Whitney, research director at Gen- eral Electric, regarding the U.S. company’s contribution of 12,500 M to electrophysical research in Germany. The U.S. company wishes to scale back its contribution. Haber proposed instead that in future both the company and Germany would sponsor this kind of research in both the United States and Germany, and eventually elsewhere. Fonda will meet Adler and Francke. TLS. [12 344]. 612. From Otto Blumenthal Aachen, 25 October 1926 Reminds that shortly after the Düsseldorf meeting he sent AE the corrected proofs of Einstein 1927a requests that they be returned since the issue is going to press. AKS. [6 111].