9 1 4 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 6 names she appends, to advise her in the matter, and hopes that AE will accept to serve. Wise and Julian Mack will be closely associated. The advisory committee names ap- pended are Herbert Samuel, AE, Chaim Weizmann, Louis D. Brandeis, Chaim N. Bialik, Wyndham Deedes, Julian Mack, and Stephen S. Wise. TLS. [36 909]. 384. To Celia Rosenbloom [Berlin, after 25 March 1926] Offers “joyous appreciation of the fitting memorial which you are building to your late husband, and for the gift which you have made to the Jewish people. Such an attitude will do much to bring our people to spiritual blossoming once again, and to win honor for the Jewish name. I gladly accept the appointment as a member of the Advisory Com- mittee for the Sol Rosenbloom Hebrew University Memorial.” Partial translation of let- ter in reply to Abs. 383, printed in an article in the Jewish Daily Bulletin, 7 June 1926, p. 2 (from Jerusalem, 15 June). [95 649]. 385. From Francesco Saverio Nitti Paris, 26 March 1926 Is expecting AE on 27 March at 1 P.M. for lunch at his home. ALS. [45 271]. 386. From Paul Painlevé Paris, 26 March 1926 Is expecting AE Sunday 28 March at 12:30 P.M. at the Ministry of War. Borel, Langevin, and M. Curie will be present. Inquires whether AE would be available that same after- noon around 5:30–6 P.M. The famous Croatian cellist Mirko Bjelinski-Waisz is eager to play for AE in a circle of the most interesting writers, some Zionists, and others. ALS. [34 819]. 387. From Peter Bennett [Glasgow,] 27 March 1926 Informs that at the meeting of the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow on 24 March, AE was elected an honorary member. A diploma will be forwarded. ALS. [30 217]. 388. From Zoya Silberstein Paris, 27 March 1926 Silberstein, who works in the section for artistic relations of the IIIC, expresses that her uncle, Salomon Reinach, would like to host AE for lunch or dinner the next day. They would send a car. ALS. [44 728]. 389. From Henri Prunières Paris, 28 March 1926 Director of La Revue Musicale. Regrets being unable to see AE at the reception of the IIIC, where he was hoping to be introduced. Requests an appointment while AE is in Paris. TLS. [44 691]. 390. From Universala Kongreso de Esperanto Edinburgh, 28 March 1926 On behalf of the Universal Congress of Esperamto, reiterates its (nonextant) invitation of 20 February 1926 that AE attend the congress’s Summer University. TLS. [43 656]. 391. From Luigi Guglielminotti [Paris, 29 March 1926] Thanks AE for his (nonextant) card, received in reply to Abs. 358. Was in Heidelberg and looked for all three professors named Curtius without success. Wants to give lec- tures in Germany is traveling to Strasbourg, and is in need of money. Has given lectures on relativity two years earlier in Reggio Calabria was almost beaten by the fascists. Has been professor of philosophy in Oneglia and Bologna. As a student in Berlin in 1908, he wrote a book against modernism. ALS. [43 808]. 392. From Raschko Zaycoff [Sofia,] 29 March 1926 Thanks for AE’s attention. He has indeed obtained a three-year stipend to continue his specialization in Germany after completing his studies, which are now addressed to ra- tional mechanics and relativity. Hopes to travel to Germany soon. ALS. [24 175].