C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 6 9 1 1 357. From Forschungen und Fortschritte (Kiessling) Berlin, 10 March 1926 Referring to AE’s earlier agreement to write a brief article, encloses a newspaper clip- ping and requests a comment of about 1–1.5 columns. The newsletter is being published in some 4,000 copies for the foreign press, with support from German academies, and is intended to raise the standing of German science abroad. TLS. [43 701]. 358. From Luigi Guglielminotti Freiburg i. B., 11 March 1926 Has lectured for nine years about AE’s work. Because of a lecture he gave on 12 Febru- ary 1926 in Davos, in which he also criticized Mussolini’s Fascists, he cannot return to Italy. Requests a recommendation so that he can lecture on fascism in Heidelberg. AKS. [43 807]. 359. From Thomas C. Hodson London, 11 March 1926 Referring to Abs. 332, requests that the English translations of Doc. 147 be returned to Encyclopædia Britannica duly initialed “as we are anxious to send them for printing at once.” TLSX. [43 645]. 360. From Metodi Popov Berlin, 11 March 1926 Has been informed by his brother, professor of mathematics at the University of Sofia, that AE’s letter in behalf of Zaycoff has been forwarded by the minister of science and art to the science faculty, which have decided to allow Zaycoff to work and develop after completion of his studies. Encloses a copy of his brother’s lecture at the Sorbonne in 1925. TLS. [24 169]. 361. From Maja Winteler-Einstein “Samos,” (Colonnata, Firenze), 11 March 1926 Sends birthday wishes, a few little flowers from the garden, and reproductions of draw- ings, hoping AE would come and visit. Paul has had the flu. Inquires about Ilse Kayser- Einstein’s trip to Switzerland. She is now reading Don Quixote and plays Bach and Beethoven. Recalls the quartet in Bern, with the Bernese on the cello and the profession- al musician. Alice Steinhardt-Rosenberg has sent an American woman for one week last month, and Ms. Falk will come in April. Otherwise, there are few prospects asks whether AE can recommend any suitable guests. LS. [144 816]. 362. From Paul Winteler “Samos,” (Colonnata, Firenze), 11 March 1926] Sends birthday greetings. AE should tell Margot Einstein that Winteler now knows a reputable painter in Sesto who can also provide instruction in ceramics. ALS. [144 816.1]. Appended to Abs. 361. 363. To Maja Winteler-Einstein [Berlin,] 15 March 1926 Her birthday letter Abs. 361 just arrived. “Don Quixote ist von jeher auch eines meiner Lieblingsbücher neben der Bibel.” ATrL. [81 479]. Notes taken by P. Speziali in Besso Family Collection, Geneva. 364. From Robert Eisler Paris, 15 March 1926 Thanks AE for his letter of the 10th and for AE’s intervention with the Austrian envoy. Unfortunately it seems that the decision is final. Julien Luchaire will go to Vienna in April and hopes to change the Austrians’ opinion. He has given successful lectures in Paris. ALS. [43 621]. 365. From Sigismund von Kobbe Koblenz, 15 March 1926 Has enjoyed reading AE’s work on relativity. As an amateur in physics (he is a major general), he has savored its mathematical beauty. However, he has been unable to follow Weyl’s variation calculations. Born’s treatment of relativity is too elementary. Attaches his own calculations on the perihelion motion of Mercury and wonders whether he has