D O C U M E N T 2 5 J U LY 1 9 2 5 7 5 chairman of the Zionist Organisation’s University Committee. [2]The first meeting of the BOGHU had taken place in Tel Aviv on 12 April and continued at the Hotel Excelsior in Naples on 21 April. It was attended by board members Ahad Ha’am, Chaim N. Bialik, Judah L. Magnes, Nahum Sokolow, Chaim Weizmann, and the board’s secretary Solomon Ginzberg. The Hebrew University had been officially opened on 1 April. The special meeting of the executive of the Zionist Organisation convened on 3 and 14 July to consider the minutes of the BOGHU’s first meeting. Chaim Weizmann, Joseph Cowen, Berthold Feiwel, George Halpern, Louis Lipsky, and Isaac Naiditsch attended the meeting (see “Minutes of the 1st meeting of the Board of Governors of the Hebrew University,” 12 and 21 April 1925 [36 884], and Montague David Eder to Judah L. Magnes, 16 July 1925 [OCAJA, Felix M. Warburg Papers, MS-457, box 220, folder 4]). [3]Judah L. Magnes (1877–1948) was chairman of the BOGHU. In two letters to Magnes, Eder informed him of the Zionist Executive’s deliberations on the BOGHU’s meeting in April and of their unwillingness to ratify the decisions on the administration of the university taken at that meeting. The reasons given by him are similar to those elaborated upon in this document. In addition, the functions of the BOGHU and of its administrative bodies as proposed by the Zionist Executive were outlined (see Montague David Eder to Judah L. Magnes, 14 and 16 July 1925 [36 886] and [OCAJA, Felix M. Warburg Papers, MS-457, box 220, folder 4]). [4]On the various points of view among those involved in the Hebrew University’s early develop- ment on the issue of the character of the university as an institution primarily for the local Jewish com- munity in Palestine or for the Jewish diaspora, see Goren 1996, p. 212, and Rosenkranz 2011, p. 241. [5]Rudolf Ehrmann (1879–1963) was Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Berlin. Leonard Ornstein (1880–1941) was Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Utrecht and chairman of the Dutch Zionist Society. Sigmund Freud (1856–1939). Edmund Landau (1877–1938) was Professor of Mathematics at the University of Göttingen. [6]On recent developments in the formation of the Jewish Agency, see Doc. 14, especially notes 3 and 5. [7]Chaim Weizmann. Nahum Sokolow (1859–1936), Hebrew writer and journalist, was chairman of the Zionist Executive. Sir Alfred Mond (1868–1930) was a British industrialist, financier, a mem- ber of parliament, and president of the British Economic Council for Palestine. James Armand de Rothschild (1878–1957) was a British politician and philanthropist and director of the Palestine Jew- ish Colonization Association. 25. To Mileva Einstein-Marić [Berlin, 16 July 1925][1] Liebe Miza! Wir sind recht vergnügt zusammen Ich finde, dass Tete körperlich und geistig gut etwickelt und dass er ein guter Kamerad ist.[2] Musiziert haben wir auch schon tüchtig. Gestern & heute hatte ich ziemlich viel zu thun, doch waren wir schon zu- sammen im zoologischen Garten. Morgen wollen wir segeln. Leider muss ich am 25. abends nach Genf abreisen.[3] Es wäre hübsch, wenn Albert[4] ein paar Tage vorher hier sein könnte, dass wir hier noch ein paar Tage zusammen sind. Wenn Du in Zürich bist, besuche ich Dich in den ersten Tagen August dort, wenn die Kom- missions-Sitzung vorbei ist. Dann fahre ich auch nach Kiel.[5] Teile mir mit, ob ich kommen soll. Es ist nett von Dir, dass Du Tete hast bei mir wohnen lassen. Sei bestens gegrüsst nebst Albert von Deinem Albert.
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Volume 15: The Berlin Years: Writings & Correspondence, June 1925-May 1927 resources

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D O C U M E N T 2 5 J U LY 1 9 2 5 7 5 chairman of the Zionist Organisation’s University Committee. [2]The first meeting of the BOGHU had taken place in Tel Aviv on 12 April and continued at the Hotel Excelsior in Naples on 21 April. It was attended by board members Ahad Ha’am, Chaim N. Bialik, Judah L. Magnes, Nahum Sokolow, Chaim Weizmann, and the board’s secretary Solomon Ginzberg. The Hebrew University had been officially opened on 1 April. The special meeting of the executive of the Zionist Organisation convened on 3 and 14 July to consider the minutes of the BOGHU’s first meeting. Chaim Weizmann, Joseph Cowen, Berthold Feiwel, George Halpern, Louis Lipsky, and Isaac Naiditsch attended the meeting (see “Minutes of the 1st meeting of the Board of Governors of the Hebrew University,” 12 and 21 April 1925 [36 884], and Montague David Eder to Judah L. Magnes, 16 July 1925 [OCAJA, Felix M. Warburg Papers, MS-457, box 220, folder 4]). [3]Judah L. Magnes (1877–1948) was chairman of the BOGHU. In two letters to Magnes, Eder informed him of the Zionist Executive’s deliberations on the BOGHU’s meeting in April and of their unwillingness to ratify the decisions on the administration of the university taken at that meeting. The reasons given by him are similar to those elaborated upon in this document. In addition, the functions of the BOGHU and of its administrative bodies as proposed by the Zionist Executive were outlined (see Montague David Eder to Judah L. Magnes, 14 and 16 July 1925 [36 886] and [OCAJA, Felix M. Warburg Papers, MS-457, box 220, folder 4]). [4]On the various points of view among those involved in the Hebrew University’s early develop- ment on the issue of the character of the university as an institution primarily for the local Jewish com- munity in Palestine or for the Jewish diaspora, see Goren 1996, p. 212, and Rosenkranz 2011, p. 241. [5]Rudolf Ehrmann (1879–1963) was Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Berlin. Leonard Ornstein (1880–1941) was Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Utrecht and chairman of the Dutch Zionist Society. Sigmund Freud (1856–1939). Edmund Landau (1877–1938) was Professor of Mathematics at the University of Göttingen. [6]On recent developments in the formation of the Jewish Agency, see Doc. 14, especially notes 3 and 5. [7]Chaim Weizmann. Nahum Sokolow (1859–1936), Hebrew writer and journalist, was chairman of the Zionist Executive. Sir Alfred Mond (1868–1930) was a British industrialist, financier, a mem- ber of parliament, and president of the British Economic Council for Palestine. James Armand de Rothschild (1878–1957) was a British politician and philanthropist and director of the Palestine Jew- ish Colonization Association. 25. To Mileva Einstein-Marić [Berlin, 16 July 1925][1] Liebe Miza! Wir sind recht vergnügt zusammen Ich finde, dass Tete körperlich und geistig gut etwickelt und dass er ein guter Kamerad ist.[2] Musiziert haben wir auch schon tüchtig. Gestern & heute hatte ich ziemlich viel zu thun, doch waren wir schon zu- sammen im zoologischen Garten. Morgen wollen wir segeln. Leider muss ich am 25. abends nach Genf abreisen.[3] Es wäre hübsch, wenn Albert[4] ein paar Tage vorher hier sein könnte, dass wir hier noch ein paar Tage zusammen sind. Wenn Du in Zürich bist, besuche ich Dich in den ersten Tagen August dort, wenn die Kom- missions-Sitzung vorbei ist. Dann fahre ich auch nach Kiel.[5] Teile mir mit, ob ich kommen soll. Es ist nett von Dir, dass Du Tete hast bei mir wohnen lassen. Sei bestens gegrüsst nebst Albert von Deinem Albert.

