1 0 3 2 I N D E X and geomagnetism, Schlomka’s experiments on, 816 internal pressure of, Lenz on, 608–609, 630– 631 reduction of to electrodynamics, Wo. Ostwald on, 902a Gravitational field axialsymmetric (see Gravitational field equa- tions, solutions of, axialsymmetric) energy-momentum components (pseudo- tensor) of, 689–693, 697n–698n equations of (see Gravitational field equations) equations of motion in, derived from gravita- tional field equations, 436, 486, 493, 558, 642, 654, 682–697, 707, 732, 741–743, 807, 937a singularities of, xlvi–xlix, 65n, 319–320, 416, 436, 485, 300, 558, 642, 654, 682–698, 707, 732, 822n, 937a static (see Gravitational field equations, solu- tions of, static) of two mass points, 436 (see also Gravitational field equations, solutions of, Weyl class of static and axialymmetric solutions) Gravitational field equations cosmological term in, xliii–xliv, 287, 290n– 291n linearized, 368n, 414–416 (see also Relativity theory, general theory of, linearized ap- proximation of) modified, of 1919 (see Gravitational field equations, trace-free) solutions of axialymmetric, xlvi–xlix, 436, 437n, 686– 687 Curzon-Chazy solution, 696n, 697n, 698n in first approximation, 691 Schwarzschild solution (see Schwarzschild solution) static, xliv–xlix, 437n Weyl class of static and axialsymmetric solutions, 436, 437n, 494n, 686–687 surface-integral reformulation of, 687–690 trace-free, 241, 286n, 290n, 319–320 comparison to other gravitational field equations, 241, 287 cosmological constant in, 287, 291n for vacuum, 221, 687–690 comparison to non- vacuum field equations, 558, 683–685, 691 Gravitation tensor trace-free, xliii–xliv, 286, 290–291n, 368 See also Einstein tensor Gravitational redshift. See Redshift, gravitational Greenhut, W. J., solicits contribution on Newton bicentenary, 898a Grigorieff, E., 897a Grimshaw, 900a Grommer, Jakob (1879–1933), xxxix, xlvi-xlviii, lii, lxxxviii, 91n, 381, 566, 814, 815, 818, 905a, 942a AE complains about, 588 AE sends vita of to Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Industrie, 941a book by, AE recommends publication of, 607 collaborates with AE, 29, 110, 116, 126, 157, 340, 374, 381, 436n gets stipend from Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Industrie, 941a position for in Russia, Kagan on, 956a, 958a stipend for AE applies for, 937a AE gives, 587 AE thanks Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Industrie for, 944a Blumenfeld on, 602 Bradt raises, 943a Eder on, 602 Schmidt-Ott on, 942a Gronemann, Sammy (1875–1952), AE enjoys Gronemann 1920, 27 Gropius, Walter, 530n invites AE to lecture at Bauhaus, 905a report on state of Bauhaus, 885a Grossmann, Marcel (1878–1936), xc, 23n Lewin examines, 957a multiple sclerosis of, 84 AE on, 90, 91, 102, 188, 798 Zangger on, 957a Groß, George, 361 Grotjahn, Alfred, 393n Grotrian, Walter (1890–1954), 378 Gruber, 915a Grünberg, Jakob (1879–1949), Hebrew transla- tion of Einstein 1917a solicits foreword to, 929a AE sends, 515 solicits permission for, 905a AE grants, 929a
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