C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 5 8 8 1 will then remain in the Soviet Union until the end of October, where he will be able to assist with Emil Gumbel’s housing. Informs of the publication of Engels 1927 that AE reviewed for Eduard Bernstein (see Vol. 14, Doc. 277). TLS. [44 940]. 96. From Nobel Committee for Physics Stockholm, 1 September 1925 In the name of the Swedish Royal Academy of Science, Allvar Gullstrand, Chairman V. Carlheim-Gyllensköl C. W. Oseen Manne Siegbahn Svante Arrhenius and Wilh. Palmer invite AE to nominate a candidate for the Nobel Prize for Physics for 1926. Sug- gestions, accompanied by supporting materials and justification should be submitted by 31 January 1926. PLS. In Swedish [30 057] and English [30 060]. 97. To H. J. de Backer Berlin, 2 September 1925 Thanks for Abs. 84. Although he travels twice a year to Holland, he is so busy with dear old friends there that he does not dare make new ones. AKS. [94 901]. 98. To Mendelssohn & Co. [Berlin,] 2 September 1925 Recommends E. M. Schnürer, whom he knows for about a year, to the firm’s attention. He is the author of what seems to him to be a very rational solution regarding repara- tions, a plan that apparently received certain approval from the French side (see [45 002]). ALSX. [45 001]. 99. To Ludwig Ruge Potsdam, 3 September [1925] Invites to meeting of the board of the Einstein-Stiftung in Ruge’s office in Berlin for 9 September 1925 at 5 P.M. The agenda is: report by Freundlich on the institute’s work report on the solicitation for the Freie Vereinigung der Freunde der Einstein-Stiftung re- port on expenditures (proposals Paschen, Jeidels, Ruge) reelection of the acting chair- man (Paschen) addition to the board (new representative) arrangements for represen- tation of Freundlich in his absence during the eclipse expedition (Von der Pahlen) remembrance of the “Delbrück” meeting. TLSX. [11 294]. 100. From Alexander Moszkowski Berlin, 3 September 1925 Has performed the mechanics of billiard balls with 10-Pfennig coins, and it works per- fectly. When a group of three tightly adjacent coins hits a group of four tightly adjacent coins, a tight group of three coins flies off, while the initial group of three becomes a group of four coins. Urges AE to try it. AKS. [44 488]. 101. From Mogens Bugge Oslo, 4 September 1925 In reply to Doc. 21, raises objections to the notion of the equivalence of gravitational fields in two coordinate systems. His gyroscope experiments show that the Earth’s mass and field do not influence a gyroscope’s axis and that there must exist an absolute space. TLS. [6 199]. 102. To Deutsche Buch-Einkaufs-Gemeinschaft Berlin, 5 September 1925 In response to Abs. 72, states that he has informed himself about their beautiful, educational books and expresses his high regard for their enterprise for the elevation of the intellectual and artistic educational level of broad national social strata. TLC. [43 383]. The text appeared in Das Zeitungsbuch, Organ der Deutschen Buch-Gemein- schaft, p. 20, on 15 October 1925, together with endorsements by Annie France-Harrar, Peter Hamecher, and Hugo v. Hofmannsthal. PD. [95 455]. 103. From Max Fischer Jena, 5 September 1925 Thanks for being appointed member of the board of the Einstein-Stiftung (see Abs. 50). Unfortunately is prevented from attending the meeting on the 9th (see Abs. 99). ALS. [11 286].