1 0 3 4 I N D E X Harden, Maximilian, 554 on protest against ar- rest of Rau, 935a Harnack, Adolf von (1851–1930), 119n, 879a, 887a, 960a on Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht, 108 Orden pour le mérite, orders election for, 926a, 929a Hartung Youth Theater, 873a Harzer, Paul, on general equation for the line el- ement, and Schwarzschild solution, 887a Hasche, Erwin, 960a Ha-Sefer Hebrew publishing company, 891a Hasenclever, Walter, 146n Hass, Ludwig, 332n Hauptmann, Gerhart, 145, 146n, 393n, 530n, 582n, 598, 599n, 901a chairman of Walther Rathenau Gesellschaft, 871a Hausmeister, Paul, on electrolysis of water under pressure, 875a Haydn, Joseph (1732–1809), violin sonatas, AE on, 326 Einstein, Eduard, on, 292 Hebrew University in Jerusalem, 471 Academic Council, Magnes on sections of, 312 AE committed to, xl BOGHU (see BOGHU) Brodetsky, Weizmann proposes for rector, 824 development of, problems with, AE on, 477 Weizmann on, 471–472 eugenics chair at, Long proposes, 962a financial condition of, AE concerned about, 425–426 Goldschmidt pledges endowment for, 383 governing bodies of, F. Warburg on, 512, 513 inauguration of, Citron on AE as speaker at, 889a Institute of Judaic Studies governing council, members of, 820n Kohn on, 818 Institute of Microbiology, Kligler proposed for director of AE against, 329, 333, 518, 818 Jewish National and University Library, 330n Jewish physicist for, AE on, 430 Kohn, on current issues of, 818–819, 824–825 AE on, 826 Meteorological Observatory at, AE on, 947a Krichewsky on, 913a, 916a Microbiological Institute, candidates for direc- torship, AE on, 204–205 Felix as right choice for, 919a personnel for, AE on, 488–489 present status and activities of, Magnes on, 901a program of, AE on, 965–966 rally for, 180, 889a science chairs, Weizmann on problems with, 471–472 Warburg, Felix M., intends to visit at, 903a Weizmann gets involved in, 365 AE on, 425 Hedin, Sven A. (1865–1952), 274 Hegel, Georg, 292, 293n, 327, 726, 828 AE re- jects comparison of relativity with Hegelian philosophy, 50n Heilborn, Ernst, thanks for AE’s interest in son’s work, 917a Heile, Wilhelm, 393n Heine, Heinrich (1797–1856), favorite of Her- mann Einstein, 12 Heinrichs, Volkshochschule Düsseldorf, 936a Heinze, Gotthilf (1864–?), and Lex Heinze, 146n Heisenberg, Werner (1901–1976), lxxxi–lxxxvii, 71, 72n, 177, 198, 208, 235, 241, 311, 319, 340, 344, 349, 366, 371, 409, 418, 429, 445, 446, 448, 449, 467n, 477, 484, 507, 563, 570, 727, 814n, 821, 823 AE on large quantum egg laid by, 202 on AE’s note on no need of statistical interpre- tation of wave mechanics, 823 Bohr on, 804–806 Born on mystical-looking work by, 71 Heisenberg 1927, Bohr sends proofs of to AE, 804 Laue invites to Berlin, 347 matrix mechanics discussion on, 198–200, 208–210, 344–347 first paper on, AE on, 201 method of, AE prefers to Schrödinger’s, 508 proposed lecture at 1927 Solvay Congress by, 418, 452–453 solicits opinion on uncertainty principle, 823 Weyl praises, 743, 912a Heitler, Walter (1904–1981), 321 Held, Kurt. See Kläber, Kurt Helder, Jacob, solicits contribution to Helder 1930, 959a Heller, 955a dismissal of from library of Jü- dische Gemeinde Berlin, 956a