I N D E X 1 0 4 9 Muravkin, Herbert, solicits help for transfer from Technische Hochschule in Berlin to Univer- sity of Berlin, 896a Murour, Henri, 922a Murray, Gilbert (1866–1957), 538, 878a only British member of ICIC, 113n Music AE on purpose of, 326 and relativity, Hoffmann on, 903a tonal scale, Dovin on, 947a Mussolini, Benito, 309n, 741n Guglielminotti criticizes, 911a Müthel, Lothar, 361 Naiditsch, Isaac, 75n Najdenov, Nikolas, on financial help for Zay- coff, 921a, 923a Nansen, F., 942a National Academy of Sciences, on Miller’s ex- periment, lxiii, 52 National Conference on Jewish Education, New York, 917a AE’s message for, 479 Needle radiation, AE on, 101 Mie on, 447 Neilson, Francis, greetings from, 947a Nelson, Leonhard, 361 Nernst, Walther (1884–1941), lxxxviii, 651, 708, 869a, 954a on water and water vapor, 942a Neubauer, Conny, 361 Neuberg, 887a Neuer Deutscher Verlag, 887a Neues Wiener Journal, Donath on, 150th anni- versary of, 919a Neumann, Alfred, Kleist Prize for, AE congratu- lates, 956a Neves, Getulio das, 894a, Club de Engenharen, Rio de Janeiro, AE thanks for honorary di- ploma, 903a New York Evening Post, solicits article on hopes for Germany’s future, 894a Newcomb, Simon (1835–1909), 561n AE on importance of, 559–561, 961a Whit- ney-Newcomb thanks for, 934a on perturbations of planetary motion, 560 Newton, Isaac, 560, bicentenary of death of AE on, xci–xcii, 778, 783–788, 792–797, 956a AE requested for contribution on, 898a AE’s message to commemoration of, 776 Jeans on, 956a Eddington on, 775 Feldkeller on, 954a in U.S., AE invited to serve as president of ad- visory board, 935a declines, 935a Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844–1900) Einstein, Eduard on, 632 reads, 882 patient of Huguenin, 223 Nippold, Otfried, 393n Nitti, Francesco Saverio (1868–1953), 914a Nobel Committee for Physics, solicits nomina- tion for 1926 prize, 881a, for 1927 prize, 934a Nobel Prize for Peace AE suggests Rondon, 871a Norwegian Nobel Committee on, 870a Kessler nominated for, 902a Noether, Emmy (1882–1935), opinion on Zay- coff manuscript, 282 Norden, Hermann, 932a Nordmann, Charles, 149n Nordström, Gunnar (1881–1923), AE sends Ein- stein 1916e to, 23 Northrop, John, sends manuscript of Kunitz 1926, 915a AE on, 915a Northrop, S. C., solicits discussion on finite uni- verse, 954a AE agrees, 955a Nossig, Alfred, 393n Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Industrie, sti- pend for Grommer, AE applies to, 937a, 941a, thanks, 944a Nyssens, L.W., invites AE to lecture at Univer- sité Libre de Bruxelles, 894a Oberlin, Hermann (1857–1928), 664 Oesper, Ralph, solicits photograph and reprint on Brownian motion, 933a Oestreich, Paul, 361 Oil deposits, prospecting for in arid environ- ments, Löwy on, 938a Oldenberg, Otto (1888–?), 557 Oldenburg, Sergei F. von, Academy of Sciences of the USSR on AE’s election as honorary member of, 950a AE thanks, 950a invites AE to 200th anniversary of, AE de- clines, 874a Oort, Jan, lxiii Oppenheim, Paul book by, 891a, 895a, 889a, 904a Christmas present for AE and Elsa Einstein, 895a, 904a