D O C U M E N T 4 9 2 M A R C H 1 9 2 7 7 7 5 Published in Urania 4, 3/4 (March–April 1927): 9. An ADftS with minor textual variations is also extant [28 052]. [1]In Abs. 770, Oskar Frankl, director of the Prager Volksbildungsverein Urania, had asked Ein- stein to send greetings for its tenth anniversary. Einstein’s contribution was one of thirty-six “greet- ings and congratulations” (“Grüsse und Glückwünsche”) included in a special festive issue of Urania on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the Prague Urania. The issue also included a signed etching of Einstein, under which he wrote the following dedication: “Zur Erin- nerung an meine beiden Vorträge in der Prager Urania (7. und 8. Januar 21) Albert Einstein.” (“In remembrance of both my lectures at the Prague Urania (7 and 8 January 1921) Albert Einstein”). The etching had already appeared in Frankl 1923, n. p. The Prague Urania, which was one of the many Urania societies established in the German- speaking world to popularize science for a wide audience, had been founded in 1917 (see Papanelo- poulou et al. 2009, p. 172). For details on Einstein’s lectures at the Prague Urania, see Einstein to Elsa Einstein, 8 January 1921 (Vol. 12, Doc. 12), notes 1 and 2. 492. From Arthur S. Eddington [Cambridge,] 1927 March 2 My dear Einstein There is to be a commemoration of the bicentenary of Newton’s death beginning on March 18 at Grantham, which will be attended by many of the leading British physicists and mathematicians. They will make a pilgrimage to Newton’s village of Woolsthorpe—where the “apple-tree” was. I believe if you felt inclined to send a message of good wishes to the gathering it would greatly please the members and knowing your great admiration of New- ton I thought you might [li]ke to associate yourself in this way with the commem- oration. It would be best to send such a message to Dr. J. H. Jeans[1] (Cleveland Lodge, Dorking, Surrey) or if you prefer to telegraph it to Dr. Jeans, George Hotel Grantham on Friday, March 18. I may add that this is entirely a private suggestion (as I have nothing to do in or- ganizing the gathering—and in fact no one knows that I am making it) so that you can adopt it or not as you judge best. Yours sincerely A. S. Eddington ALS. [9 290]. There are perforations for a loose-leaf binder at the left margin of the document. [1]James H. Jeans.