C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 6 9 2 1 448. From Paul Langevin Vienna, 9 May 1926 Is happy to join the warm wishes addressed to AE. Just arrived at Felix Ehrenhaft’s, for work with the Ligue des droits de l’homme and also with the Chemisch-Physikalische- Gesellschaft. Greetings by Ehrenhaft, Olga Ehrenhaft, Rudolf Goldscheid, Adolf Vetter, Robert Kuczynski are added. They are founding an Austrian League for Human Rights. AKS. [15 381]. 449. From Karl-Oskar Bertling Berlin, 10 May 1926 On behalf of the Amerika-Institut, has made inquiries regarding Hans Reichenbach. He will probably succeed in having Reichenbach invited to the philosophy congress, but without any financial support. Concerning an appointment in the United States, it will be difficult to generate interest at American universities, who tend to hire “their own” and are not much interested in hiring Europeans. It may help to bring Reichenbach to the attention of some representatives of U.S. institutions in Europe. TLS. [20 088]. 450. From Richard Fleischer Wiesbaden, 10 May 1926 AE should address the question as to what are the new, important, practical applications of physics. Invites AE and his wife to Wiesbaden. TLS. [43 696]. 451. From Paul Kirchberg Frankfurt a. M., 10 May 1926 Thanks for the visit with AE the week before last. Has asked Paul Oppenheim and Hein- rich Bechhold, director of the Institute of Colloid Chemistry at the local university, to send references, and requests that AE write to IIIC as discussed. TLS. [44 145]. 452. From Arthur Korn Charlottenburg, 10 May 1926 Count von Arco considers the synchronization of telegraphy an important international project. Requests that AE mention this topic at the League of Nations. Such a synchro- nization, especially of photo-telegraphy and the construction of a photo-telegraphic transmitter, would contribute to the propaganda of the League of Nations. TLS. [44 179]. 453. From Nikolas Najdenov [Sofia,] 10 May 1926 As minister of science and art of the Kingdom of Bulgaria, informs in response to Abs. 248 and Abs. 249 that he has approved the necessary funds for Raschko Zaycoff’s continued education at the university. AE’s interest in furthering a talented young Bul- garian’s career has surprised and moved him. TLS. [24 170]. 454. To Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Volksbildung [Berlin, before 11 May 1926] In light of the ministry’s decisions of 23 November 1925 and 8 February 1926, informs as president of the board of the Einstein-Stiftung that the board is unanimously agreed that the property of the tower telescope, with the exception of the lens, will be trans- ferred to the Prussian State. TLS. [88 124]. 455. From Reclams Universum Publishing House Leipzig, 11 May 1926 Is interested in the question “What’s Next?” in the exploration of the cosmos and the in- terior of the Earth, and is contacting leading personalities. Requests a contribution of some four to six pages by 21 May. TLS. [44 723].