8 9 6 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 5 227. From Lord Edmond de Rothschild London, 18 December 1925 As president of the Society of Maccabaeans, founded thirty-four years ago to bring to- gether Jewish professionals and a few of their intimate friends, invites AE to a dinner in honor of science and scientists on 6 February. ALS. [44 363]. 228. To Eduard Sthamer Berlin, 23 December 1925 Sends receipt for Copley Medal and asks that it be forwarded appropriately by the Acad- emy. Has already expressed his thanks officially for the medal soon after having been first notified of the award. ALS. [79 383]. 229. From Alfred Lindgren Godegård (Sweden), 23 December 1925 Requests AE’s signature on the attached list for a small contribution. At Christmas 1922, he organized a collection for the poor educated people of Breslau (present-day Wrocáaw) that was of great assistance. ALS. [44 346]. 230. From Josef Weber Leipzig, 23 December 1925 Thanks for AE’s effort in finding a position at Potsdam for him. Since only active assis- tants can be promoted to observers, he sees no opportunities for research. Will try to ob- tain Habilitation at another university, such as Halle or Breslau. Has heard from Max Born, who is on a tour of U.S. universities, that he is often asked about the experiments at Mount Wilson and has benefited from Weber’s explanations. ALS. [23 284]. 231. From Wolfgang Graeser Berlin, Kurhaus, 24 December 1925 Reminds AE of their meeting on 9 April 1924 at the home of Karl Klingler, during a re- hearsal for Arnold Schönberg’s “Verklärte Nacht.” Since then he has studied mathe- matics, musicology, and Chinese for four semesters at university. Is nineteen years old, and has been awarded a two-year stipend by the Notgemeinschaft. Upon recommenda- tion of Prof. Schur, wishes to discuss his research project with AE. Intends to develop a theory of countable world-functions for an infinitely many-dimensional world of sound and music, analogous to the work of Poincaré. Encloses Graeser 1924, the first install- ment of a larger work. TLS. [43 793]. 232. From David Dietz Cleveland, [25 December 1925] Requests a 200-word opinion on Dayton C. Miller’s announcement that he has discov- ered ether drift for the Newspaper Enterprise Association, based in Cleveland, Ohio. Tgm. [17 266]. 233. From Herbert Muravkin Berlin, 25 December 1925 Is currently a student at the Technische Hochschule in Berlin and wishes to devote him- self entirely to the study of physics, particularly theoretical physics and physical chem- istry. Wishes to keep open the possibility of engaging in both theory and practical work in the future, and inquires whether he should transfer to the University of Berlin. ALS. [44 510]. 234. From Eduard Spranger Berlin, 26 December 1925 Transmits invitation from John J. Coss, Columbia University, to an international con- gress of philosophy, to be held 13–17 September 1926 in Cambridge, Mass. ALS. [44 929]. 235. From Raschko Zaycoff Sofia, 27 December 1925 Sends manuscript of his paper “Begründung der affinen Feldtheorie vom Standpunkte eines von Emmy Noether bewiesenen Satzes” and reiterates his financial difficulties. ALS. [24 165].
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