9 3 4 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 6 573. From Nobel Committee for Physics Stockholm, September 1926 Request nominations for the 1927 Nobel Prize in Physics by 1 February 1927. PL. [30 063]. 574. From Otto Dörrenberg Soest, 2 September 1926 Reiterates a proposal he had already made thirty-eight years earlier to Clausius, Helm- holtz, and Schorlemer, namely, to use gas spectroscopy to understand the structures of atoms and molecules. ALS. [43 568]. Has attached proposal [43 569]. 575. From Stadt Berlin Berlin, 2 September 1926 The city council has received an application by Albert v. Brunn for the position of direc- tor of the planetarium requests a letter of reference. ALS. [43 367]. 576. To Stadt Berlin [Berlin, after 2 September 1926] In reply to Abs. 575, Albert von Brunn is a highly knowledgeable astronomer. His sci- entific output was insufficient to secure him a professorship at Danzig, but there is no better candidate for the position at the planetarium. ADft. [43 368]. 577. From Josepha Whitney-Newcomb Geneva, 8 September 1926 Thanks AE for the beautiful sketch of her father’s work (see Doc. 349). Recalls a report from her sister, Anita McGee-Newcomb, about AE’s exceptional reception at the Na- tional Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C. (on 26 April 1921). Her son, Hassler, is very proud of the letter he received from AE. He will study physics with William Swann and Leigh Page at Yale. Congratulates on AE’s wonderful sons, of whom she heard from Hassler (see Doc. 359). ALS. [18 405]. 578. From Jakob Elias Fromer Charlottenburg, 10 September 1926 Sends Fromer 1920, hoping AE will find therein explanations on the topics they dis- cussed in today’s brief conversation. Methuen should receive both the German and French edition of his autobiography therefore he requests the French copy back, since he has no other copy (see Abs. 523). ALS. [43 735]. 579. From Leo Szilard Karersee (Italy), 10 September 1926 Refers back to his (not extant) letter of 18 August from Selva and a patent application therein, probably on a cooler with capillary pump, submitted on 13 September 1926. TLS. [35 555]. 580. From Georg Maschke Wannsee, 14 September 1926 Recalling AE’s offer to collaborate in the past (see Vol. 14, Doc. 41), plans to set up an enterprise based on Otto Bothe and Ludwig Schiff’s loudspeaker invention, and requests AE’s opinion as a consultant. At the bottom of the document, AE wrote “bejahend mündlich beantwortet. E.” TLS. [44 403]. 581. From Wilbur E. Tisdale Paris, 14 September 1926 On behalf of the Rockefeller International Education Board, informs that AE’s letter concerning Abert von Brunn has been received by Augustus Trowbridge, who will con- sult with other astronomers and reply afterward. TLS. [43 366]. 582. From Walther Schücking Berlin, 18 September 1926 Back from an international law committee meeting in Brussels, transmits on behalf of Éduard Descamps a publication and an invitation to lecture in Belgium that would have beneficial effects on German-Belgian relations. TLS. [45 016].