9 5 4 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 7 781. From Teodor Schlomka Halle a. S., 27 February 1927 In reply to AE’s (nonextant) letter of 26 February 1927 (see note at the end of Doc. 486), suggests they discuss the theoretical aspect when he visits Potsdam in two weeks. Men- tions Faraday 1891, Lebedev 1912, and Wilson 1923 as failed attempts to observe the expected effect in the laboratory. The only chance of success is to have the instruments not on Earth, but moving with the moving system. ALS. [21 512]. 782. From Filmer S. C. Northrop New Haven (Conn.), 28 February 1927 Wishes to have AE’s views on the theory of the finite universe and visit him in Berlin in late June. Has been studying the theory of relativity and has discussed this work with J.S. Haldane, J.B.S. Haldane, T.G.N. Haldane, and A.N. Whitehead. TLS. [18 437]. 783. From Augustus Trowbridge Paris, 28 February 1927 Has received AE’s (not extant) letter of 24 February regarding the candidacy of Ramón Gaviola, for whom Peter Pringsheim and Walther Nernst are applying for an Internation- al Education Board Fellowship to permit him to continue work with Robert W. Wood in Baltimore. Wishes to interview Gaviola. The board may not be able to offer a stipend to a candidate from South America. TLS. [46 353]. 784. From Hugo Bergmann Jerusalem, 2 March 1927 In reply to Abs. 757, clarifies that the Jewish National and University Library was re- questing the PAW’s journals as an exchange, not as a gift. TLC. [67 736]. 785. From Otto D. Tolischus Berlin, 2 March 1927 Encloses a newspaper clipping and asks AE whether he wishes to comment for the Hearst Newspapers [on charges of blasphemy against James Carter by the directors of the Virginia high school because he taught AE’s theory of relativity] (see Docs. 493 and 497). TLS. [48 586]. 786. From Joseph Petzoldt Spandau, 3 March 1927 After having read Doc. 490, explains that the envisaged International Society for Em- pirical Philosophy (see Abs. 774) is not at all designed to strengthen logical construction to the detriment of empirical material. It is instead directed at universities, where the teaching of philosophy does not take into account the natural sciences and mathematics. Hopes AE will reconsider his decision. Attaches a draft response [17 458] to Ludwig Mach’s negative review in the Naturwissenschaften of Petzoldt’s eighth edition of Ernst Mach’s Mechanik. ALS. [19 060]. 787. From Paul Feldkeller Schönwalde (Berlin), 4 March 1927 Is critical of Eberty 1923, to which AE had written an introduction (see Einstein 1923l) and for which he is writing a review in Kantstudien. Mentions an error: the apparent dai- ly rotation of the sky cannot be mixed up with the planets’ motion in the sky. Requests a short article for his Philosophischer Weltanzeiger on the occasion of the 200th anni- versary of Newton’s death. TLS. [25 054]. 788. To Georges Oprescu Schöneberg, 5 March 1927 Is proposing Krüss as his representative at the ICIC, and in the directors’ committee and the Conseil d’administration of IIIC. Krüss has agreed unconditionally. TLS. [82 842]. 789. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 7 March 1927 Informs that the board of directors of IIIC has decided on 26 March for its next meeting in Paris. TLS. [82 838].