I N D E X 1 0 5 3 Rayleigh, Robert Jr., 917a Rayleigh-Jeans-Planck statistics, 728 Rebelsky, Isaak, solicits letter of recommenda- tion, 891a Reclams Universum Publishing House, solicits contribution on next explorations in cosmos and in the Earth’s interior, 921a Redshift, gravitational, lxv, 164, 231, 233n, Bottlinger on, 879a of companion of Sirius, lxv, 164 Hale on, 52, 72 of solar spectrum, Meggers on, 906a Weber on, 875a Refrigerators. See Coolers Reger, Max (1873–1916), Eduard Einstein plays works of, 292, 489 Reich, Felix, television invention of, Zeitlin on, 887a, 924a Reichenbach, Hans (1891–1953) AE recommends to Epstein, 502 Epstein on, 549, 557 asks for Einstein 1925w, 381 axiomatics of relativity, Schlick on, 246–247 contact with AE, li–lii on Einstein 1925t, 380–381, 398 AE on, 387 on his Habilitation, 380 position for AE on, 317 at Columbia University, Bertling on, 913a Oppenheim on, 891a Planck on, 502 Schlick on, 332 at University of Berlin Laue on, 245, 502 Oppenheim on, 895a Planck on, 245, 317, 899a Schlick on, 245 at University of Frankfurt, Oppenheim on, no chances, 889a at University of Prague, 387, 397–398 AE on, 387 Frank on, 246, 332, 380 at University of Stuttgart, hopeless, 398 in U.S., 380, 397, 398 AE on, 387, 402, 403, 410 Bertling on difficulties, 921a Epstein helps, 549, 557, 586 Reichenbach 1924, solicits opinion on, 869a Reichenbach 1925a, Schlick on, 332–333 so- licits opinion on, 381, 387, 398 solicits recommendation to Bertling, 380 AE provides, 384 See also Geometrization, of physical fields, Reichenbach on Reichsministerium des Innern, sends regulations of Rathenau house and Rathenau-Stiftung, 922a Reichsverband der deutschen Industrie, 873a, 875a Reichszentrale für naturwissenschaftliche Berichterstattung, 941a Reimann, Hans, 361 Reinach, Salomon, 400, 897a Reinhardt, Max, 530n Reinstein, Adolf, 900a Reiss, Arthur (1893–?), marries Edith Einstein, 522, 528 Reith, on relativistic foundations of quantum theory, Toeplitz on, 886a Relativity, as blasphemy, 776, 779, 954a Relativity, and time reversal invariance, 63–65, 168–171, 368 Relativity, general theory of calculations on, 281 conservation laws in, 684–685 cosmological constant in (see Gravitational field equations, cosmological term in) curvature tensor in, 285–291 (see also Rie- mann tensor) and electron spin, Sommerfeld on, 552 energy-momentum pseudo-tensor in (see Grav- itational field, energy-momentum compo- nents [pseudo-tensor]) equations of motion of material points in, 654, 682–698, 807, 815 Herglotz on, 732 Weyl on, 741–743 from gravitational field equations, xlvi–xlix (see also Gravitational field, equations of motion in) equations of motion of singularities (see Grav- itational field, equations of motion in) field equations of (see Gravitational field equations) geometrical interpretation of, li–lii, 398, 411– 412, 424 incomplete for phenomenological character of matter tensor, 358 as limiting case in unified field theory, 61–62 linearized approximation of, xlviii, 368n, 415– 416 line element, general equation for, Harzer on, 887a Mercury perihelion, anomaly of, 560–561 metric in, inner and outer metric of body, 691, 698n, 732n