1 0 5 4 I N D E X Schwarzschild solution (see Schwarzschild solution) static two-body solution in, xlvi, 368n, 436, 437n, 485, 686–687, 696n tensor of curvature and gravitational field equations, AE on, 285–290 (see also Rie- mann tensor) vacuum field equations of (see Gravitational field equations, for vacuum) Relativity, special theory of AE on, 946a axio- matics of, Schlick on, 246–247 Remi, Georges (Hergé), The Adventures of Tintin, lxvi Remmele, Adam (1877–1951), 472 on Gum- bel’s case, 473, 920a Renaudel, Pierre, 959a Reversibility of elementary processes, AE on, 565 Lewis on, 539, 618 Reynold, Gonzague de (1880–1970), 544, 661 Rial, David, solicits AE’s autograph, 892a Richardson, Owen (1879–1959), 417 Richter, Karl, on gyro transmission, 939a Richter, Oskar (1886–1942), on teaching posi- tion for Bothe, 957a Richter, Werner, member of board of Einstein- Stiftung, 890a Richter-Anschütz, Maria, 29 Riemann, Bernhard (1826–1866), 266 centena- ry of birth of, AE’s paper for, 285–290 cele- brations, Courant on, 909a Riemann curvature and gravitational field equa- tions, AE on, 285–290 Riemann tensor, xliii (see also Rainich, George, de- composition of Riemann tensor by) Robertson, Howard P. (1903–1961), study tour in Germany, Epstein recommends, 127–128 Rocco, Alfredo (1875–1935), 310, 537 fierce dispute with AE, 308 Rockefeller Foundation, 878a, 918a fellowships for Brunn, 929a Trowbridge on, 934a for Eisler, AE on, 400 for Gaviola, Trowbridge on, 954a, 956a Kar, Sites Chandra applies for, 923a Mittwoch about, 906a Tschachotin, 959a, AE recommends, 961a for Wasser, AE on, 948a Ehrenhaft on, 943a Tisdale on, 943a Roediger, Conrad, wishes to visit AE, 935a Röell, Antonie (1864–1940), curator of AE’s Leyden chair, 905a Roethe, Gustav (1859–1926), lxxi on PAW con- gratulations on Lorentz jubilee, 892a criti- cizes AE’s draft of, 214, 217 Rohrbach, Hans, invites AE to give lecture to Mathematical Seminar of University of Ber- lin, 894a, 901a accepts, 901a Rolland, Romain (1866–1944), lxxi, lxxiii, 802 AE’s statement on 60th birthday of, 100, 103, 104–106, 880a appeal against fascism, agrees with Barbusse on, 737 Rom, Dr., 897a Romeiser, Wilhelm, on Newtonian physics and relativity, 951a AE disagrees, 951a Rondon, Cândido, AE proposes for Nobel Prize for Peace, 871a Norwegian Nobel Commit- tee on, 870a Roniger, Emil, 880a Roper, Albert (1891–1969), 533 Rosenberg, Elli, 916a Rosenberg, Karl, 960a, helps Hans Albert Ein- stein get job, 943a, 948a Rosenbloom, Celia (1888–1947), gift to Hebrew University by, 913a advisory committee, 488, 914a AE on, 919a Wise on, 908a, 918a Rosenbloom, Solomon (1866–1925), 488n Rosenbloom Foundation committee, 925a Rosenblüth, Martin (1886–1963), 329, 942a proposes Romanian chapter of Friends of the Hebrew University, 941a Rosendorff, Dolly, 49n, 154n, 155n, 325, 409n AE on character of, 327 Rosenzweig, Leo, AE recommends to Lévy- Bruhl, 955a Rotation of bulk matter, cannot be source of geo- magnetic field, l Rote Hilfe Deutschlands, 932a, 935a AE’s statement for, 636–638 on preventing arrest of Rau, 935a request for Christmas donations, AE signs, 942a Police President of Berlin on, 948a Roth, Samuel (1894–1974), pirate publisher of Ulysses, 737n Rothenstein, William, thanks for AE’s portraits, 915a