D O C . 4 9 7 O N U . S . S C H O O L R O W 779 497. “Einstein Waxes Sarcastic over U.S. School Row” [Einstein 1927h] Pu b l is h e d 8 March 1927 I n : San Francisco Examiner, 8 March 1927, p. 8. Published in San Francisco Examiner, 8 March 1927, p. 8. [1]See Doc. 493 for annotation. SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER: TUESDAY, MARCH 8. 1927 HII1 I H I . $200,000 breach Einstein Waxes Sarcastic Over U. S. School Row BERLIN, March 7.—Professor Al- bert Einstein does not think much of the directors of the Virginia High school who have preferred charges of blasphemy against Professor Jam es C arter because he taught Einstein's theory of relativity. When informed of the impending trial of Carter, Einstein replied: "If your inform ation is correct I can express only the most profound adm iration for the arrogance of those heroes of Virginia because they believe God needs their strength for H is defense."
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