9 0 0 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 6 Vienna last week, that Planck supports Reichenbach’s Habilitation prospects at the Uni- versity of Berlin. ALS. [21 599]. 262. From Thomas Barclay Paris, 13 January 1926 Has seen Geddes’s second invitation to AE to visit Montpellier. Hopes AE will accept. Such a visit would have a good effect on reestablishing ties between France and Ger- many. TLS. [43 183]. 263. Statement at the Seventh Session of the ICIC Paris, 14 January 1926 Regarding the question of appointing a committee of experts on education, AE states that experts should not decide on policy. The task should be left to the ICIC and the League of Nations. League 1926b, p. 7. PD. [95 656]. 264. From E. M. Schnürer Berlin, 14 January 1926 Thanks AE for his note of 9 January and especially for his willingness to introduce him to the son of the French ambassador. ALS. [45 005]. 265. From Raschko Zaycoff Sofia, 14 January 1926 Has received AE’s letter of 3 January and is pleasantly surprised to hear that his paper will be published. Is very grateful for AE’s letter to the Bulgarian minister of science and art (see Abs. 249). Will later respond to AE’s first letter. ALS. [24 174]. 266. To Eduard Sthamer [Berlin,] 15 January 1926 Provides contents of his presentation of Docs. 154 and 158 to the PAW. PD. [67 292]. 267. From Adolf Reinstein La Courneuve, Seine, 16 January 1926 Has read in the Quotidien that AE will participate in the opening ceremony of the IIIC in the beautiful new offices at the Palais Royal. Remembers fondly his days as a student and the confirmation of AE’s theory by the eclipse expedition of 1922. ALS. [44 734]. 268. From Thomas Barclay Paris, 18 January 1926 Has heard from Elsa Einstein that AE is in Paris, hopes that AE will visit him at his new address near the Trinité church. Is now blind and unable to move freely as formerly. TLS. [43 184]. 269. From Leon Steinig Vienna, 18 January 1926 Thanks for the letter of recommendation to Albert Thomas, to whom he handed the letter in person in Geneva. He was offered a position as a volunteer in the International Labour Office as of 15 January and will report then to Mr. Grimshaw, the director. When asked how he will manage financially, Steinig hopes that AE would help with a stipend he also hopes AE won’t be upset with this statement. TLS. [45 051]. 270. From Sites Chandra Kar Berlin, 19 January 1926 Disagrees with AE’s objections to the interpretation of his work and asks for a certificate stating that he has been working with AE’s advice and guidance, so as to be able to ex- tend his leave and remain in Europe. ALS. [44 093]. 271. From Leo Kohn London, 19 January 1926 Sends article by young Russian scholar whom he mentioned recently in Berlin, and for whom he has created a small position in his office as an accountant. Requests AE’s opin- ion. Has heard that there will be a meeting in Paris to benefit the Hebrew University. Sends copy of letter he sent J. L. Magnes in the Amira matter (see Doc. 214) and returns the two letters AE had written to Magnes and F. Warburg. ALS. [36 905].