1 0 5 2 I N D E X Polanyi, Michael (1891–1976), 22 Pollitzer, Franz (1885–1942), on diffusion of ab- sorbed gas, 656 Popov, Metodi, on help for Zaycoff, 898a, 911a, 937a Popper-Lynkeus, Josef, AE visit with described, 916a Pöschl, Theodor, 817n Pound, Ezra, 737n Prague Urania, lxxiii invites AE for winter, 935a AE declines, 938a 10th anniversary of, AE requested to contribute to special issue of Urania, 953a Prandtl, Ludwig (1875–1953), inauguration of institute of, 71 Primo de Rivera, Miguel, 741n Princeton lectures, AE’s view of electricity in, xlvi Pringsheim, Peter, 954a Prittwitz, as possible representative of Germany in IIIC, Becker on, 892a Problem of motion, AE and Grommer on, xlvi. See also Gravitational field, equations of mo- tion in, derived from gravitational field equations Propagation of sound, mistake in theory of, Cal- amatianos on, 917a Pro-Palestine committee, AE invited to inaugu- ration of, 944a Proust, Marcel, A la recherche du temps perdu, Toni Mendel on conversation with AE on, 892a Prunières, Henri, solicits appointment, 914a Przibram, Alfred, AE recommends Eisler to, 918a Eisler on 920a, 925a, 933a Quantum mechanics, AE admires and distrusts, 575 Quantum numbers, half-integer, lxxxii Quantum theory AE’s calculations, 355 angular momentum in, AE doubts conservation of, 429 Broglie’s wave theory, AE on, 429 of ideal gas, AE on, 193 Schrödinger on, 181– 182, 184–188, 191–192, 215–216, 314–315 Quevedo, Torres, leaves ICIC, 927a Rabinovich, Yuri Germanovich. See Rainich, George Racial differences, Aall requests support from IIIC for research on, 945a Radbruch, Gustav, 146n Radiation emission and absorption of energy, Lewis on, 618–619 zero-point energy for, AE on, 340, 364, 708 Radiation biology, physical aspects of, AE on, 672–675 Lazarus on, 946a Radiþ, Stjepan, 904a Radio waves, Werthman on, 935a Radiometer effect, AE and Hettner on, 29 Rainich, George (1886–1968), 880a biography of, xlii decomposition of Riemann tensor by, xliii, 221, 287, 291n Einstein 1910d, translates into English, 880a, 883a, 894a on Einstein 1925w, 368 influence on AE, xlii–xliv, xlv–xlvi program of representing particles by their exte- rior fields, 414–416, 485–486 Rainich 1925a, sends manuscript of, xliii Rainich 1926a, sends manuscript of, 907a on theory of general relativity as a unified field theory, xliii, 175, 221–222 AE on, 190– 191, 367–368, 413–416, 435, 485–488, 495 Rákosi, Mátyás, arrested in Hungary, protests against, 888a Raman, Chandrasekharan V., 883a Ramel, Frederik (1872–1947), 33n Rapprochement of Germany and France, AE on, 663 Valéry on, 947a Raschevsky, Nicolas von on positive result of Miller’s experiment, 878a solicits opinion on Raschevsky 1924, 878a Rasner, Ch., 889a Rathenau, Mathilde, 871a Rathenau, Walther his library holdings, 871a third anniversary of assassination of, commem- oration of, 871a Rathenau-Stiftung, Reichsministerium des In- nern sends regulations of, 922a Rau, Fritz calls for membership in the Communist Party, 935a protest against arrest of, Harden opposes, 935a Rote Hilfe on preventing arrest of, 935a decla- ration by Heinrich Mann, 935a