6 5 6 I N D E X
AE on causes of, 290, 294, 427
AE as target of, 625
methods of defense against, 290–291
pogroms: Russian, 429n; Ukrainian and Pol-
ish, 430n
psychological origin of, 290
role in preserving Jewish identity, 427–428,
in Russia, 429n
“science” of, 427, 429n
theme in German politics, 101
undertone of, at AE’s lecture course, 286
Zionist and CV differences on, 292n
Arbeiterfürsorgeamt der jüdischen Organisa-
tionen (Workers’ Welfare Bureau of Jewish
Organizations), 240n–241n
Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher Naturforscher
zur Erhaltung reiner Wissenschaft e. V.
(Working Association of German Natural
Scientists for the Preservation of Pure Sci-
ence), 105, 348n; meeting at Berlin
Philharmonic Hall, xxxii, 101, 105, 345–347,
Arco, Georg Count von (1869–1940): letter to
AE, 366n
Arons, Leo (1860–1919)
case, 205n, 283n
courage of political convictions, xxxviii, 203
letter from AE, 205n
obituary for, 205n
as physicist, 203–204
Art libre, LÊ, 216n–217n
Aryan physics, 111
Assimilation: relationship to anti-Semitism,
Association for Combating Anti-Semitism. See
Verein zur Abwehr des Antisemitismus
Association of German Universities. See Ver-
band der Deutschen Hochschulen
Astronomy, xxviii; measurement of position and
time in, 143, 146n, 197–198n
Astrophysical Observatory, Potsdam, 423–425n
Atlas Works
legal dispute with Signal Co., 472–478n,
patent, 472–478n, 480–481
Austrian Technical Testing Bureau. See Tech-
nische Versuchsanstalt
Axiomatic method. See Method, axiomatic
Axioms of geometry. See Geometry, axiomatic
Babelsberg Observatory, 146n
Bachem, Albert J. (1888–1957), 106, 271, 281n,
347, 349n, 575n
Bad Nauheim. See Gesellschaft deutscher Natur-
forscher und Ärzte, meeting in Bad Nauheim
Balfour Declaration. See Palestine, Balfour Dec-
laration on
Bancelin, Jacques, 343n
Barbusse, Henri (1873–1935), 216n–217n, 491n
correspondence with Rolland, Romain, 217n
letter from AE, 491n
Barker, Ernest (1874–1960), 433n
Bauer, Hans (1891–1953), 101
Beck, Carl, 436n
letter from AE, 436n
letter to AE, 300n
Beilis, Mendel (1873–1934), 429n
Berger, Alfred (1882–1942): letter to AE, 227
Bergmann, Hugo (1883–1975), 223, 230, 447n
correspondence with AE, 230, 447n
letter from AE, 293n
Berlin Jewish Community Council. See Jüdische
Gemeinde Berlin, Vorstand
Berliner, Arnold (1862–1942), 102–103, 121n
letter from AE, 121n
letter to AE, 102, 109, 349n
Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung, xxxii
Berliner Tageblatt, xxxix, xl, 106, 109–110,
124n, 220n, 225–226, 282n, 297n, 340n,
348n, 443n, 444n; letter from AE, 443n
Berliner Zeitung am Mittag, 108
Bernays, Paul (1888–1977), 62n; letter to AE,
Bernhard, Georg (1875–1944): letter to AE,
Besso, Michele (1873–1955): letter from AE,
xxx, 9n, 42n, 140n, 217n, 230, 436n, 576n
Bianchi identities, 139n, 180n, 183n, 456n
Biot, Jean (1774–1862), 526–527
Blumenfeld, Kurt (1884–1963), 229–232, 234–
letter from AE, 224, 231
letter to Weizmann, Chaim, 231, 234–235,
BNV. See Bund “Neues Vaterland”
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