I N D E X 6 5 7
Boas, Franz (1858–1942), 494n; correspondence
with AE, 495n
Bohr quantum condition, 484, 487n
AE’s opinion of leaders, theories, 125n
agitation, 241n
fear of, 225
views on anti-Semitism, 429n
Boni, Nell, 443n
Born, Hedwig (1882–1972)
letter from AE, 108, 223
letter to AE, 107
Born, Max (1882–1970), xxi, 43n, 99n, 345
and anti-relativists, 102
in Bad Nauheim, 111, 355, 359n
on Bad Nauheim, 109
letter from AE, 43n, 108, 111, 125n, 334n,
478n, 486n
letter to Klein, Felix, 111
Bothe, Walther W. (1891–1957), 487n; letter to
AE, 486n–487n
Bottlinger, Kurt F. (1888–1934), xxviii, 142,
144, 146n
Boundary conditions. See Relativity, general
theory of, boundary conditions in
Bournemouth. See British Association for the
Advancement of Science, meeting at
Bouvier, Bernard (1861–1941), 334n
Bowlker, Thomas J., 478n, 480
Bradley, James (1693–1762), 246
Brandeis, Louis (1856–1941), 233–235; corre-
spondence with Frankfurter, Felix, 234
Brentano, Franz (1838–1917), 80n
British Association for the Advancement of Sci-
ence: meeting in Bournemouth, xxx, 201n,
British House of Commons, 210n
British science, xxx–xxxi, 111, 206, 210n, 213,
Brunn, Albert von (1880–1940), 146n, 196–
Bund “Neues Vaterland,” 124n, 216n–217n,
333n, 366n, 491n
AE’s speech to, 123–124, 216
contribution to international reconciliation,
manifesto, 124n
purpose and goals, 124n
wartime aims, 124n
Bundesrealgymnasium, Vienna, 101
Burghold, Julius (1860–1923), 300n
correspondence with AE, 300n
letter from AE, 301n
letter to Dr. Schmitt, 300n
Burlington House. See Royal Society, joint
meeting with Royal Astronomical Society at
Burlington House
Canal rays. See Positive rays
Carvallo, Emmanuel (1856–1945): letter from
AE, 491n
Central Association of German Citizens of the
Jewish Faith. See Central-Verein deutscher
Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens
Central Committee for the Relief of Distress in
Germany and Austria, 470n
humanitarian relief efforts, 470n
letter to AE, 470n
Central Organization for a Durable Peace, 9n;
letter to AE, 9n
Central-Verein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen
Glaubens (Central Association of German
Citizens of the Jewish Faith), 225–226, 228–
229, 292n–293n, 296n–297n, 304n
AE’s ridicule of the name, 303
CV-Zeitung, 304n
defense of Jewish civil rights, 292n, 296n
letter from AE, 303, 304n
letter to AE, 304n
tensions with German Zionists, 225
Centrifugal force. See Force, centrifugal
Charge, electrical. See Electrical charge
Charles University, Prague, 223
Chemical reactions
sound absorption in, 325–331n
velocity of, xxix, 325–331n
Chief of the Admiralty, German: letter from
Licht, Hugo, 84n
Christoffel, Elwin Bruno (1829–1900), 545
Christoffel symbol. See Connection coefficients
Chromoscope, 205n
City College of New York, 629
Clarté, 217n
Clarté movement, 216n–217n
Class, Heinrich (1868–1953), 112
Classical mechanics. See Mechanics, classical