CALENDAR 1920 5 9 3
they send four copies of the English translation received
from Methuen publishing house. [42 055].
August 23 2-page ALS from Friedrich Kottler. Thanks for Doc. 88. He
maintained a neutral position in the fight for Franz S.
Exner’s succession at the University of Vienna, therefore he
has been pushed into background with proposals of title,
prizes, and position. Wishes to continue their exchange of
ideas on the problem in general relativity that he had
addressed in his letter of 19 February 1920 (Vol. 9,
Doc. 319). [14 326].
August 24 Present at First meeting of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft deut-
scher Naturforscher zur Erhaltung der reinen Wissenschaft
e. V. in the Philharmonic Hall. Speakers: Paul Weyland and
Ernst Gehrcke.
1-page ALS to Rudolf Mosse. Thanks him for sending Josef
Popper-Lynkeus a gift subscription to the Berliner Tage-
blatt. Kirsten and Treder 1979, p. 185, Nr. 764.
3-page ALS from Karl Gerhards. His manuscript, sent on 8
June (in Calendar), was better appreciated by Theodor von
Kármán and Eduard Study after a personal discussion with
them. Hopes that the same might happen if a visit could be
arranged with Einstein. [43 743].
August 26 2-page ALS from Robert W. Lawson. Methuen publishing
house considers Einstein 1920j too brief to be published
separately; proposes to add papers. The translation of Ein-
stein 1917a came out eight days ago in 7,000 copies, of
which 3,000 have already been sold. Einstein’s share was
sent to the address of Paul Ehrenfest. A second edition is
being considered. The American edition is expected to be
published soon. [44 275].
Autograph note by Elisabeth Zopf and Friedrich Glum
(KWIP board of trustees). Einstein informed them over the
phone that he had already answered Peter P. Koch’s and
Hedwig Kohn’s letters; he asks that requests sent to the
address of KWG be forwarded to him for further measures.
GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 1A, Nr. 1657. [77 325].
August 27 “My Response. On the Anti-Relativity Company” (Vol. 7,
Doc. 45) is published.