6 0 6 CALENDAR 1920
November 11 Date of Einstein’s letter to Emil Ludwig (11 September, in
Calendar) according to Helmut Tenner catalog, Auction 11,
8–9 October 1958, lot 33. [78 250].
after November 11 “Private Expert Opinion for Telefunken on the Patents of
Meissner and Kühn” (Vol. 7, Doc. 48).
November 13 Attends conference of KWG directors (in Haber’s home).
GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 1A, Nr. 857, Bl. 192. [77 737].
4-page ALS from Paul Kronthal. Because he has the
impression that Einstein often crosses the border between
physics and metaphysics, attaches his book Kronthal 1908.
[120 402].
November 15 First session of the League of Nations is held in Geneva.
The 6th general meeting of the KWG reports on 50,000 M
spent on KWIP in the fiscal year 1919/1920. Budget for 1
April 1920 to 31 March 1921 [77 099] is supplied. GyBP,
I. Abt., Rep. 1A, Nr. 62. [77 127].
TLC from Ilse Einstein to Gerhard Hettner on behalf of
KWIP board of trustees. 10,000 M is allocated for a grating
spectrophotometer and a reflection grating. [78 079].
TLC to Wilhelm Matthies in reply to letter of 6 October
(Calendar). A visit to Basel in the fall of 1921 is possible
depending on whether a journey to the United States will
take place. [43 193].
1-page TLS from Gustav Roethe. The ministry of education
approved the raise of Einstein’s annual salary from
18,000 to 36,000 M retroactively as of 1 April 1920.
[43 012].
1-page ALS from Otto von Baeyer. Referring to Einstein’s
letter of 30 July 1920, now that he has been appointed direc-
tor of the Physical Institute of the Agricultural College
(Landwirtschaftliche Hochschule), he may take full respon-
sibility for the correct implementation of research to be car-
ried out with the financial help of KWIP. GyBP, I. Abt.,
Rep. 34, Nr. 1, Mappe Baeyer. [77 976].
November 16 1-page TLC to Hans Rahm. Even before relativity, Newto-
nian accelerated frames were used with success in explain-
ing certain phenomena. For the explanation of the effect of a
concussion on the brain, it is irrelevant whether or not the