6 1 2 CALENDAR 1920
Announces his visit to Berlin between 2 and 5 January
1921. Proposes a publisher for Einstein’s lectures. Sends
chocolate as New Year’s greetings. [20 137].
December 17 1-page ALS from Ernest Pickworth Farrow. Heard at Trinity
College that Einstein would not be happy in Berlin and asks
whether he would be willing to come to Cambridge Univer-
sity. Offers his help by spreading this information at Trinity
College. He attaches a (non-extant) Christmas card, which
he hopes Einstein will enjoy. [43 661].
December 18 3-page ALS from Reinhold Fürth. Received the rejection of
his application (10 December, in Calendar). Argues for the
feasibility of his proposal. GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 2,
Mappe Fürth. [78 041].
December 20 1-page TLC from Ilse Einstein to Allgemeine Studenten-
Vertretung an der Technischen Hochschule Dresden, on
Einstein’s behalf. Einstein accepts the proposal of lecturing
in Dresden on 17 January 1921. [43 577].
3-page TLS from Peter Debye. The support from KWIP
amounted to 16,030 M for acquiring the transformer. After
delivery, the company sent an invoice for 65,000 M. In Bad
Nauheim Debye offered Einstein to return the grant money
to KWIP and cover the cost of the transformer from other
sources. Now he does not understand why Einstein had
asked him in his letter of 12 December, in Calendar, to hand
over the transformer to the KWIP. GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34,
Nr. 1, Mappe Debye. [77 995].
2-page TLS from Wolfgang Ostwald. Expresses thanks for
Einstein’s consent and the etching. Requests a short
biography. [18 495].
December 21 1-page TLS from Augustus Trowbridge. Made his proposal
in Doc. 207 in ignorance of other invitations. Happy to learn
of them from Doc. 210. [36 229].
December 22 1-page TLC to Methuen publishing house. Thanks for the
remittance of the advance remuneration for the American
publication of Einstein 1917a. Requests that Methuen con-
tinue sending the royalties to Paul Ehrenfest so that Ehren-
fest might manage his affairs on his behalf (“in solcher
Weise, daß er meiner Bitte entsprechen kann, diese Dinge
dort für mich zu besorgen”). [69 003].