D O C U M E N T 1 6 0 O C T O B E R 1 9 2 0 4 4 1
[1]In her message, Elsa Einstein comments that “my husband hasn’t been this cheerful in a long
time” (“mein Mann ist so vergnügt wie seit langem nicht”).
160. From Luther P. Eisenhart[1]
Paris 14, place Vendôme, October 1, 1920.
Dear Sir:—
I have received a cablegram from President Hibben of Princeton
where I am a Professor of Mathematics, asking me to determine whether you could
accept a special lectureship there for this Winter, beginning as soon as possible. He
did not state the financial terms of the lectureship, but I know that they would be of
such a character as to make your trip worth while.
As you may know, not only the scientists but also the general public of America
are keenly interested in your epoch making researches, so that you would receive a
most cordial welcome. At Princeton my colleagues and I have been studying Rel-
ativity to some extent, and Professor
and I are planning to conduct a Sem-
inar in Relativity this year. If you were to come, you would find there a group of
men very desirous of learning from you. The demands upon your time would not
be great, so that you could devote yourself to your research most of the time.
Princeton is generally considered the most charming University town in Amer-
ica so that you would find the life there most
I am sailing for America to-morrow so that I shall not be able to hear from you.
If you are willing to consider this special lectureship, please cable or write to Pres-
ident Hibben, Princeton, New-Jersey, to that effect and either state your terms or
ask for his.
I regret that I could not see you personnally about this matter which is of such
importance to us. I hope very much that you will come and I feel sure that if you
do so, you will never regret it.
I am asking to have this letter delivered to you through the kind offices of the
American Embassy in Berlin.
Very sincerely yours,
L. P. Eisenhart
TLS. [36 237]. Addressee’s name is typed above salutation: “Professor Albert Einstein University of
Berlin Berlin. (Germany).”
[1]Luther Pfahler Eisenhart (1876–1965) was Professor of Mathematics at Princeton University.
[2]John Grier Hibben (1861–1933) was Stuart Professor of Logic and President of Princeton
[3]Oswald Veblen (1880–1960) was Professor of Mathematics at Princeton University.
[4]For a history of the mathematics department at Princeton University, see Aspray 1998.