CALENDAR 1920 6 1 3
December 23 2-page ALS from Wilhelm Blaschke. The University of
Hamburg plans to create a chair of theoretical physics. Their
candidates are Max von Laue, Wilhelm Lenz, and three
Vienna physicists: Erwin Schrödinger, Ludwig Flamm, and
Hans Thirring. Asks which of these three Einstein regards
as the best. [43 277].
December 24 1-page ALS from Allgemeine Studenten-Vertretung an der
Technischen Hochschule Dresden. Happy with Einstein’s
consent. Following Einstein’s request, they will avoid
advertising the lecture in media or on posters. Will reserve
accommodations in Hotel Bellevue. [43 579].
1-page from Springer publishing house. Sends 3,000 M roy-
alty for Einstein 1920j. Of the 12,000 copies printed, some
6,000 have already been sold. GyHeidS, Mappe Einstein,
E-24. [71 435].
December 26 1-page TLS to Allgemeine Studenten-Vertretung an der
Technischen Hochschule Dresden. Requests room reserva-
tion for arrival on 16 January 1921. GyDTH. [43 582.1].
December 28 1-page TLS to Peter Debye. In answering Debye’s letter of
20 December, in Calendar, apologizes for forgetting that
Debye acquired the transformer from his own funds. GyBP,
III. Abt., Rep. 19, Nr. 184. [77 363].
1-page ALS from Hedwig Kohn. Cannot give details of the
quartz spectrometer that she had ordered because it has not
been delivered. GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 7, Mappe Kohn.
[77 807].
December 29 1-page TLS from Gustav Roethe. Reconfirms that Einstein’s
annual salary will be increased from 18,000 to 36,000 M
retroactive as of 1 April 1920, and informs that minister of
education instructed the university cashier’s office to expe-
dite its payment. [43 013].
December 30 1-page TLS from Methuen publishing house. Asks whether
Einstein’s request, in his letter of 22 December, in Calendar,
means that the royalty checks for the American publication
of Einstein 1917a are to be made payable to Paul Ehrenfest.
[42 194].
after December 30 1-page ADft to Methuen publishing house, in Ilse Einstein’s
hand on the verso of the previous letter. Asks to make out
checks such that Paul Ehrenfest can cash them. [42 195].