C A L E N D A R 1 9 1 5 – 1 9 1 9 5 6 7
al. 1913 for him with janitor at University of Berlin.
[85 362].
1917 April Dedication to Hans Mühsam on title page of Einstein
1917a: “Freundschaftlich überreicht von Ihrem A. Ein-
stein.” The London Science Museum Library, 10411847.
1918 before May 8 1-page Dft to board of directors of the Reichsbank. Asks for
permission to send 40,000 M to Mileva Einstein-Maric; in
Switzerland. The sum, stipulated in their divorce agreement,
is a compensation for the loss of her widow’s pension.
[144 389].
May 8 1-page ALS from the board of directors of the Reichsbank.
Nothing stands in the way of sending the money on condi-
tion that it be done through a local bank. [144 388].
December 23 The Department of Education, Canton of Zurich, accepts
the conditions that Einstein set in Vol. 8, Doc. 674, for
delivering a number of lectures at the University of Zurich
in winter semester 1918/1919, from February on. Memo of
the Directorate of the Department of Education. SzZU,
Rektorats-Archiv 208 10. [81 536].
1919 November 5 1-page ALS from Paul Winteler. According to the agree-
ment of 20 January 1919 (for its draft, see Vol. 9, Calendar)
attorney Eugen Curti-Forrer transferred 27,500 francs,
shares from the Schweizerische Auer-Aktien-Gesellschaft,
in the Schweizerische Kreditanstalt Zurich. It is divided
among shareholders as follows: Jacob Koch 937.50, Paul
Winteler 937.50, Albert Einstein 5,500, and Leopold Kop-
pel, with whom Einstein has a special agreement, 20,125
francs. Asks where to send Koppel’s dividend. [144 791].
2-page ALS from Paul Winteler, enclosed with the previous
letter. From Einstein’s share of 5,500 francs for the first half
of 1919, deducts 500 for himself for representing Einstein’s
interests on the board of directors (see Vol. 9, Doc. 96a,
note 9, in the present volume), as well as 750 M for Elsa
Einstein. From the rest, 3,000 francs are to be deducted
because Einstein had already accepted them as an advance.
A further 2,000 francs are to be deducted if Einstein
accepted them as an advance before 30 June. [144 800].
November 10 Tr from a letter to Maja Winteler-Einstein and Paul Win-
teler. “Lieber Paul und liebe Maja! Ich habe Deine Abrech-
nung erhalten.” [81 469].
* * *