I N D E X 9 6 7 ities of, 829a, 830a, 831a Suez, 535, 557 Sun Yat-sen, 478n Superconductivity, xl–xlii, 168–175 AE’s model of, experiment on, 109, 143, 177, 179, 188 no resistance found in, 143 Borelius on, 307, 310 Breit on, 307, 310, 315 and loop model, 75 Superluminous velocities, 878 Swedish Academy of Sciences, elects AE ordi- nary member, 804a Swiss Embassy, Berlin, 514 Synge, Edward (1890–1957), 267, 267n, 294n Hamilton, on Collected Papers of, 265, 279, on philosophy of, 302 on mathematics and laws of nature, 302–303 on quaternion theory as theory of grand unifi- cation, 303 Synge, John Lighton (1897–1995), 267 Tagore, Rabindranath, 795a Taine, Hippolyte (1828–1893), 247 Takahashi, Yoshi (1861–1937), 569n Takarada Foundation, sends portrait of AE by Komiya, 825a Takeuchi, Tokio (1894–1944), 548 Takeuchi, Tokudo, 569n Tallada, Ferran, 584n Tamaru, Takuro (1872–1932), 548, 570n, 601n Tartini, Giuseppe, 261 Technion, AE on education at, 164–165, 717 Biram on, 723 Tel-Aviv, 559 AE honorary citizen of, 559, 828a Temperature differences at surface and in bulk not possible in equilibrium, 390 fluctuations of, 12 Tensor concept of rank of, 690n of light propagation in general relativity, Car- tan on, 234–235 and parallel transport, Dienes on, 479 six-vector, 698, 722 Terada, Torahiko, 570n, 601n Terradas, Esteve (1883–1950), lxix, 562, 583n, 584n, 829a Terrestrial magnetism. See Magnetism Tetrode, Hugo (1895–1931), 729, 730 AE on paper of, 476 Théâtre-Français, 833 Thermodynamics analogous to special relativity, 877 compared to special relativity, 875 equation of state, 4 heat conduction, 4, 5 and irreversible processes, 5 and quantum theory, 457 second law of violated if AE’s analysis of canal ray exper- iment were correct, 129 Zilsel on, 296 Thiel, Fritz (1863–1931), lix, 565n, 823a Thirring, Hans (1888–1976), 191, 363, 365, 784a, 794a, 808a proposes Kottler for ex- traordinary professorship, 78–79 Thoma, Richard A. (1847–1923), 144 Thomas, Albert (1878–1932), 744 Thomas, Tracy Y., 784a AE accepts as visiting scientist, 147, 253 Thomson, Joseph J. (1856–1940), 229, 455 Thon, Jacob, 576n Thost, Ernst, on teaching relativity in school, 822a Throop College of Technology, 187n Tiberias, Lake of, 561 Ticho, Abraham (1883–1960), 582n Time concept of, AE and Bergson on, 239–244 concept of needs to be analyzed, 876 cosmic, 435 definiton of and signal velocity, 637 dilation, 877 direction of, 718 physical, as order of events, 877 really exists in nature, 877 redefinition of as breakthrough in path to spe- cial relativity, 637 reversal of, 5 invariant in general relativity, 718 and space coordinates, difference between, 244 Schmidt on, 786a Tirpitz, Alfred von (1849–1930), 583n Toggenburg, 350 Tokugawa, Ieyasu (1543–1616), 573n Tokugawa, Yoshichika (1886–1976), 547 Tokyo, 544–548