3 0 2 D O C U M E N T S 1 8 6 , 1 8 7 M A Y 1 9 2 2 186. To Elsa Einstein [Leyden,] Mittwoch [10 May 1922] Liebe Else! Gestern erhielt ich Deinen niedergeschlagenen Brief. Du dauerst mich recht mit all Deiner Misere. Kümmere Dich nicht um das Segelschiff,[1] sondern kurier Dich und sündige dann mit mehr Vorsicht. Sonntag 7h 05 Morgens komme ich am Zoo- logischen an.[2] Es ist meine einzige Möglichkeit zu fahren. Bin ich nicht pünktlich mit der Rückkehr? Genau 14 Tage bin ich da gewesen.[3] Morgen sehen wir noch Lorentz.[4] Kolleg habe ich nicht gelesen aber doch sonst manches thun können. Herzliche Grüsse an Euch alle von Deinem Albert. AKS. [143 125]. The postcard is addressed “Frau Elsa Einstein Haberlandstr. 5 Berlin,” with return address “P. Ehrenfest Leiden,” and postmarked “Leiden 10. V. 22. 7–8N[amiddag].” Paul Ehrenfest’s greetings are omitted. [1]A week earlier, Einstein had inquired whether Elsa had made arrangements for its purchase (see Doc. 178). [2]The Zoological Garden railroad station in Berlin. [3]As promised in Doc. 178. [4]Hendrik A. Lorentz. 187. From Edward H. Synge Knockroe, Dundrum, Co. Dublin Ireland. 10. V. 22 Dear Dr Einstein, I wish to thank you for your kindness in sending me an appreciation of Hamil- ton’s work.[1] I am sure it will be very useful to us in getting people to take an in- terest in the project. When you mentioned that the genesis of Hamilton’s ideas was hard to under- stand it occurred to me that it might interest you to know, what appears clear from Graves’ Life of Hamilton,[2] that a philosophic viewpoint which is very unusual among scientists seems to have been responsible here. Hamilton was a Neo-Plato- nist, and one gathers that he expected to find in Nature the exemplification of laws which satisfied his sense of intellectual beauty. In fact he regarded such satisfaction of one’s intellect as the “raison d’être” of these laws, and went so far as to question whether the laws of Nature were not specially created to develope the intellects of men “and angels”!! However odd such a standpoint may seem, it appears to be a powerful agent on heuristic grounds, since it makes explicit an instinctive feeling