I N D E X 6 7 1
Rudolf Weber in Rostock, 390–391, 456;
writings of valued by AE, xlviii
Schmedeman, Albert (1864–1946): 479, 491n,
514, 530; forwarded AE’s information on
Warburg to University of Wisconsin, 538; in-
vites AE to lecture at University of Wiscon-
sin, 604c; on AE’s financial demands for his
US lecture tour, 523
Schmidt, Erhard, expresses sympathy for AE,
Schmidt, Harry (1894–1951): 509; book of criti-
cized by Reichenbach, 505; invites AE for
lunch in Altona, 598c; on Hans Reichen-
bach’s competence, 610c; asks AE to send
opinion on his book to Arnold Berliner, 608c;
agrees not to send AE’s card to editor of his
book, 609c
Schmidt, Raymund (1890–?), 260
Schmidt-Ott, Friedrich (1860–1956), 577c–
580c, 582c, 585c, 603c
Schneider, Erhard, nominates Laue as member
of PAW, 570c
Schneider, Ilse (1891–1990), 262n, 382
Schneider, Rudolf, appointed as trustee of Ein-
stein Donation Fund, 578c
Schoenflies, Arthur (1853–1928): xl, 276, 335,
336, 352; solicits AE’s opinion on candidates
for successor to Max Born, 304–305; solicits
introductory lecture to relativity session of
GDNÄ meeting in Bad Nauheim, 305
Schouten, Jan (1883–1971), on geodetic preces-
sion, 476
Schrödinger, Erwin (1887–1961): 323n; candi-
date for chair of theoretical physics at Uni-
versity of Hamburg, 613c, AE on, 547
Schrodt, Toni: xxxix; expresses sympathy for
AE, 397–398
Schubert, Franz (1797–1828): 156, 167; Hans
Albert Einstein plays, xxxii
Schubert, K., expresses sympathy for AE, 596c
Schubert-Soldern, Richard von (1852–1935),
285, 571c
Schuchard, Ernst, on reaction force of electric
wind, 592c
Schuh, Friedrich, requests funds for geophysical
research, rejected, 570c
Schuler, Max (1882–1972), 458
Schultz, Julius (1862–?), 260
Schumann, Robert (1810–1856), 77
Schuster’s Law, 527n
Schwäbische Sternwarte Society, AE lectures at,
419, 434, 601c
Schwalmis, Switzerland, 110, 111
Schweizerische Auer-Aktien-Gesellschaft
(SAG): xxxv, 216, 231, 234, 507, 510, 567c;
AE’s shares in, 231, 234, 507
Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesellschaft,
Congress, in Zurich, 127
Schweydar,Wilhelm (1877–1959), 172
Scientific American, prize contest on relativity,
Sculpting, Margot Einstein’s interest in, 119
Seeliger, Hugo von (1849–1926), 37n, 62, 64
Seeliger, Rudolf (1886–1920): 572c; requests
KWIP funds for battery and discharge tubes
for research on light emission, pending, 568c,
granted, 568c
Seelisberg, Switzerland, 41
Seemann, Hugo (1884–1974), requests KWIP
funds for X-ray spectroscopy, 585c, 609c,
pending, 607c, declined, 611c
Seiler, Ulrich (1872–1928), 227
Seippel, Paul (1858–1926), 125
Shaw, Bernard (1856–1950), 237
Sheppard, Samuel (1882–1948), 317
Siegbahn, Manne (1886–1978), 303
Siemens Co., contributes to Einstein Donation
Fund, 372
Siemens, Wilhelm von (1855–1919), 222n
Siemering, Hertha (1883–1966), 274
Sigmaringen, 114, 130, 330, 346, 362, 446, 454
Silberstein, Ludwik (1872–1948): 241; on
Stokes-Planck ether, 241
Silver atom beams, mean free path of, 336, 360
Simultaneity, definition of, 14
Singularities, as energy quanta, 352n
Sitter, Willem de (1872–1934): 55n, 117; against
a closed universe, 477–478; against Mach
principle, 477; lectures in Leyden, 52n; on
absorption of gravitation, 478; on AE’s cos-
mological constant, 501; on AE’s concept of
ether, 477; on AE’s reintroducing absolute
time, 478; on ghost images of stars in a closed
universe, 477–478, 50; on stability of the gal-
axy, 500–501; on statistical equilibrium as a
condition for a closed universe, 478
Sklarek, ?, 486
Slichter, Charles: on AE’s financial demands for
his US lecture tour, 523n; on AE’s proposal
to lecture in German, 539n
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