6 7 2 I N D E X
Slowo publishing house. See Publishers
Smekal, Adolf (1895–1959): 322, 367, 375; on
evidence against optical size measurement by
Felix Ehrenhaft’s group, 294–296; against
Ehrenhaft as Exner’s successor, 580c
Smoluchowski, Marian von (1872–1917), 39n,
Sobral, Brazil, 226n
Social Democratic Party Germany, xlii
Solovine, Maurice (1875–1958): 575c; dedica-
tion to AE, 573c; offers to translates Einstein
1917a into French, 569c, 578c, 579c
Solvay Congress of 1911, xxxiii
Solvay Congress of 1913, 370n
Solvay Congress of 1921: xlvii, 302, 312, 320;
participants, 303n; planned lectures at, 303
Sommerfeld, Arnold: (1868–1951): xl, xli, 6n,
39n, 62, 67, 83n, 276, 418, 533, 543; book on
atomic structure of, praised by AE, 532, Hei-
nrich Zangger on, 513; expresses sympathy
for AE, 408; invites AE to lecture to Munich,
452, 530–531, 549, AE declines, 532; on Ar-
beitsgemeinschaft 1920, 451–452; on DPG,
427; on electron and general relativity, 549;
on mediating between AE and Lenard, 427;
on news about AE’s considering to leave Ber-
lin, xxxix, 408–409; on preventing anti-rela-
tivist demonstrations at GDNÄ meeting in
Nauheim, 408; on Weyl’s theory, 349n;
praises Niels Bohr, 549; solicits article from
AE for Süddeutsche Monatshefte, 409
Soviet Republic, Hungarian, xlii
Space: absolute, 300, 307, 325, 392, Kant on,
293; in general relativity, 324; Riemannian
hypothesis of countability of, 540
Spartacists, Germany, 183
Specific heat: of diatomic gases, AE on, 12n; at
low temperatures, 499
Spengler, Oswald (1880–1936), 431
Spinoza, Baruch de (1632–1677): xl, 390; Ethics
of, AE reads, 96; on freedom, Besso on, 177
Spiral nebulae, 501
Springer publishing house. See Publishers
St. John, Charles Edward (1857–1935), 249
St. Petersburg, physicists in, 376
Stahel-Baumann, Lydia: 104; as prospective host
for Eduard Einstein in Arosa, 103, 109, 113,
Star clusters, density of, 525–527
Stark, Johannes (1874–1957), xxxix, 427n, 428n
Stefan, Josef (1835–1893), 323n
Steinel, Oskar: 581c; on archeology, 581c
Steinhardt, Ogden (1883?–?), 112, 169, 234
Steinhardt-Koch, Alice, 169, 234
Steinman, D. B., proposes English translation of
Einstein 1917a, denied, 578c
Stendal, Sachsen-Anhalt, 219
Stern, Alfred (1846–1936), 205–207
Stern, Clara (1862–1933), 206n, 207
Stern, Dora (1882–1979?), 207
Stern, Heinrich, 589c
Stern, Otto (1888–1969): 18n, 24n, 336, 516; as
candidate as Born’s successor in Frankfurt,
304, 335, 516, AE on, 353, 360; Niels Bohr
on, 353; paper on thermal molecular veloci-
ties by, Max von Laue on, 355
Steubing, Walter (1885–1965), 588c
Sthamer, Friedrich: xliin; on rumors about AE’s
leaving Berlin, 596c
Stierlin, Hans, 193, 227
Stinnes, Hugo (1870–1924), 581c
Stodola, Aurel (1869–1942), 33, 78, 199
Stokes–Cunningham law, 294
Strömgren, Elis, 580c
Struck, Hermann (1876–1944): xlv; portrait of
AE by, 266, 311n, 585c
Struve, Hermann (1854–1920), 595c
Study, Eduard (1862–1930), 593c
Stumpf, Felix (1885–?), 372
Stürgkh, Count Karl von (1859–1916), assassi-
nated by Friedrich Adler, xxxiv, 21n
Stuttgart, lecture in, xlvi
Subelectron: Norst on, 580c; Smekal on, 295–
296. See also Ehrenhaft, Felix; Electron
Sun: gravitational redshift in solar spectrum,
248; solar spectrum, 295, 372
Superconductivity: 368, 613; and Hall effect,
xlvii, 337n, 494, AE on, 519–520; and mag-
netic fields, 368; critical magnetic field
strength, 521n; discovery of, 253n; discussed
at “Magnet-Woche,” xlvii. See also Kamer-
lingh Onnes, Heike
Superluminal signals. See Relativity, special the-
ory of, superluminal signals
Susceptibility, magnetic, 367
Suspensions, viscosity of, 12
Swastikas, displayed at Berlin Philharmonic
event, xl