I N D E X 1 0 4 7 ments, 884a Meißner, Richard, 886a, 943a Meißner, Walther (1882–1974) AE requests to test quantum theory of gas de- generacy, 656 on calculation of gas pressures from experi- mental data, 656 on errors in Einstein 1925f, 890a paper by, on AE correcting errors in, 890a Meitner, Lise (1878–1968), 815 AE recom- mends silver Leibniz Medal for, 869a Member of Reichstag, invites AE to improve re- lations between Germans in U.S. and Ger- many, 919a Mendel, Antonie (Toni) (1878–1956), 525n arrives in Nubia, 951a on conversation with AE on Proust, 892a Mendel, Bertha, 726 Mendel, Bruno (1897–1959), 726 treatment of Fanny Einstein by, AE on, 547, 550 Mendelsohn-Maas, Luise (1894–1980), 526n Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Abraham (1776–1835), 563n Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Albrecht, 393n Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix (1809–1847), 563n Mendelssohn, Moses (1729–1786), 563n Menorah Society of Washington Square, New York University, invites AE to speak, 877a Menzi, Jakob (1852–1923), 11 Menzi-Klamm, Margareth (1845–1927), 18 Mercury, perihelion motion of, 560–561 Meta-theorem, AE develops, xlv Metz, André (1891–1968), lxiv, 827, 828 disciple of Meyerson, 283 on AE’s and Eddington’s unified theories, 721 AE on, 726 on AE’s admiration for Meyerson 1925, 722 on Miller’s experiment, 283 sends papers on Bergson, 869a solicits checking passages in manuscript of Metz 1928a, 721–722 AE fulfills, 726 solicits help in presentation of Ehrenfest para- dox, 869a solicits preface to Metz 1928a or 1928b, 958a AE on, 960a Meyer, Edgar, lxvii Meyer, Manasseh (1846–1930), AE recom- mends Goldstein to, 747 Meyer, Stefan, invites AE to lecture at Che- misch-physikalische Gesellschaft, Vienna, AE declines, 868a Meyer-Schmid, Anna (1882–1948), AE’s ac- quaintance with, 668, 946a Meyerson, Émile (1859–1933), 897a on AE’s paper on Meyerson’s philosophical works, 827 AE visits with, 308 book by, AE on, 49, 236 Metz’s book on, 721–722, 726 solicits review of Meyerson 1925, 237, 897a Michaelis, Eva M. (1908–2000), 730n Michaelis, Ilse (1906–2002), 730n Michaelis, Leonor (1875–1949), 730n Johns Hopkins University, offers AE professorship at, 729–730 Michaelis-Philipsthal, Hedwig (1884–1964), 730n Michelson, Albert (1852–1931), lx, 112, 151, 524 on Miller’s experiment, 128 visits California Institute of Technology, 723 Michelson-Gale experiment AE asked for opinion on, 883a Metz on, 283 Slosson on, 52 Michelson-Morley experiment, xl Michelson plans to repeat, 653 Miller repeats, 52 (see also Miller’s experi- ment) Mie, Gustav (1868–1957), 485, 742, 788n on Einstein 1926p, lxxiv, 447 on experiment on nature of emission of light, lxxiv, 447 on matrix mechanics, 446–447 on needle radiation, 447 requests KWIP funds for research on anoma- lous dispersion of water, 905a Laue on, 945a Mihlhauser, Helen F., invites AE to speak at New York University, 877a Milkau, Fritz, 888a Miller, Dayton C. (1866–1941) Bragg invites, 481 lectures at National Academy of Sciences, 52 See also Miller’s ether-drift experiments Miller’s ether-drift experiments, lx–lxvii AE on, lxi, 67, 101, 112, 126, 240, 438, 508, 749–751, 899a doubts results of, 296 Born appalled by setup of, 916a