1 0 4 6 I N D E X Mahalanobis, Prasantha (1893–1972) AE recommends to Glum, 948a meets with Ehrenfest, 72 Mai, Giulia, plays music with AE, 10 Maier, Hans W. (1882–1945), 363 Makower, Hermann, 955a Malthus’s theory, Long against, 962a Mamroth, Paul, 393n Mandel, Heinrich, works with AE, liv, 759n Manev, Georgi, AE asked for opinion on manu- script of, 941a Mangoldt, Hans von, 909a Manheimer, 897a Mann, Heinrich, 146n, 638n, 944a declaration in support of Rau and freedom of speech, 935a letters on behalf of Rote Hilfe, 946a Mann, Thomas, 146n, 309n, 530n, 638n, 901a Mantell, Lydie, solicits financial support for en- try visa to France, 898a Mantoux, Paul, deputy director of IIIC, Painlevé proposes as, 939a AE on, 940a Marangoni, Ernesta (1876–1972), plays music with AE, 10 Marck, Kläre, 361 Marcolongo, Roberto, 872a Mariü, Marija (1847–1935), 770n Mariü, Mileva. See Einstein-Mariü, Mileva Mariü, Miloš Jr. (1885–1944), search in Russia for, AE on, 116, 117, 154, 600, 705 Mariü, Zora (1883–1938), 770n Maritain, Jacques, 149n Marmulla, Carl, 897a Mars exhibition, lxxxix, 938a Marsen, chief Rabbi, 897a Marshall, Louis (1856–1929), 56n, 253, 882a AE on, 943a, 969 AE talks with on Jewish matters, 86 Martienssen, Oskar (1874–1954), 90n Martin, Williard H., 883a Marx, Georg, on new method of separation of agents of infectious diseases, 950a, 955a Marx, Paula, plays music with AE, 139 Marx, Wilhelm, 393n Marx-Engels Institute, sends Engels 1925 to AE, 879a Maschke, Georg (1866–?), 582, 583n, 591 collaboration with Bothe, AE asked for help to restore, 940a AE declines, 631, promises 940a Bergmann on, 941a offers consultant position, AE accepts, 934a Masriera Rubio, Miguel (1901–1981), on AE and Bergson, AE on, 148–149 Mathematics, instruction in, AE on, 331–332 Mathematische Annalen, AE co-editor of, 290n Matrix mechanics, lxxxi–lxxxviii, 70–72, 101, 177, 198, 200, 234–235, 211n, 241, 311, 318, 340, 344–349, 364, 366, 371, 419–421, 427- 430, 446, 477, 648, 804–807, 823–824 AE admires, 241, 366, but deems far from reality, 563 criticizes, 319, 429 discussion on, 364 doubts, 340, 371 erroneous, 445 impressed by, 364, 485 lacks strict causality, 485 sophisticated and formal, 478 stunned by, yet circumspect with, 409 Besso on, 311 classical limit of, lxxxii Eddington doubts, 318 Ehrenfest on, 570 Heisenberg on, 198–200, 208–210, 344–347 Jordan on, 177, 234–235, 349, 419–421 Mie on, 446–447 Matrix mechanics and wave mechanics, synthe- sis of, AE on, 807 Matteotti, Giacometti, amnesty for slayers of, 310n Matter waves, 429 AE on, 410 Maunder, Annie Scott Dill Russell (1868–1947), 233n Maunder, Edward Walter (1851–1928), 233n Maxwell, James C., 785, 790, 973 Mayer, Friedrich, 882a requests AE to fill out form for admission to university, 879a Mayer, Robert von (1814–1878), letter by, 936a, 938a AE requests copy of, 614 McGee-Newcomb, Anita, 934a Meandering of rivers, AE on, 278–281, Ewald and Guthnick on, 899a Mears, Frank, 880a Measuring-rod objection, AE and Weyl on, xlix Meerkamp van Embden, Adriaan, on AE’s activ- ities appreciated in Walcheren, 918a Meggers, William, on solar redshift, 906a Meinecke, Friedrich (1962–1954), 46 Meißner, Karl W., on repeating Miller’s experi-