9 5 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 7 Walther Bothe, who is employed at the PTR, was teaching as a guest lecturer in Karls- ruhe, where there is no permanent physics lecturer. However, the PTR is unwilling to approve Bothe’s visiting appointment for the next academic year. At the bottom of this item, AE has written: “Beantwortet. E.” ALS. [48 121]. 821. From Leon Hufnagel Lund Observatory, 12 April 1927 Reminds of their conversation in September 1926. He is still interested in applying for a position at the Hebrew University, and has written to this effect to the board at the Uni- versity of London. Samuel Oppenheim will shortly report about his work he is engaged in checking the stellar statistical methods of Charlier at Lund Observatory. ALS. [36 947]. 822. From Hugo A. Krüss Berlin, 13 April 1927 Sends copy of his report [34 836] on the meeting of the directors’ committee of the IIIC (see Abs. 799). TLS. [34 835]. 823. To Wilhelm H. Westphal [Berlin,] 13 April 1927 In response to Abs. 819, commiserates with his personal situation recommends that Westphal apply for the position in Freiburg and encourage the local authorities to ask AE for a recommendation. The conditions in Freiburg might not be ideal, and he may run into opposition because of the strong Catholic influence, but an offer might help in the future. ALS. [70 613]. 824. To [Otto Jeidels] [Berlin, 14 April 1927] This is an unreliable, later English translation of a nonextant letter of recommendation for Samuel I. Krieger, addressed to “Sadels” [probably Otto Jeidels], praising Krieger’s exceptional calculating abilities and requesting assistance in finding him a position. TTrL. [55 499]. 825. From André Metz Sceaux (Seine), 14 April 1927 Since meeting AE in Paris at Émile Meyerson’s home, has completed a more popular book on AE’s work (Metz 1928b), and another popular account of Meyerson’s work (Metz 1928a). Requests a preface to either of the two books. ALS. [18 258]. 826. From Veniamin F. Kagan Moscow, 18 April 1927 There are no open positions at the Institute for Mathematics at Moscow University. For an appointment for exceptionally talented candidates, special procedures have to be initiated. Since they are not familiar with J. Grommer’s work, if AE considers him to be of such outstanding quality, requests AE’s proposal Grommer’s CV copies of his work, including an explanation as to Grommer’s reasons for having earliert left Russia. ALSX. [11 443]. 827. From Leon Steinig Geneva, 19 April 1927 Reports on further developments regarding the project of student support (see Abs. 734). The ICIC agreed in April that the International Labour Office allow the high commis- sioner for Armenian and Russian refugees to examine the situation of intellectual work- ers. ALS. [48 497]. 828. From Samuel Oppenheim Vienna, 20 April 1927 Warmly recommends Leon Hufnagel from Warsaw, a former student (see Abs. 821), who graduated with research “Über den Einfluß der Einsteinschen Gravitationstheorie auf die Bewegung der Kometen” that was published in the proceedings of the Vienna Academy. Oppenheim does not believe that employment at the Hebrew University is de- sirable. ALS. [36 948].
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